New member, longtime struggler

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New member, longtime struggler

Postby Alejoboogie » 09 Sep 2015, 15:29

Hello everyone,

I'm new to this forum, but actually have browsed it quite a few times since I've had this fissure. It's definitely no fun as you all are already aware of. I first had mine about 7 years ago (I was 19 at the time). I hadn't had another recurrence until about 2 years ago. That one was pretty bad but only lasted about 2 weeks. It went into remission for about a year then came back last november. Had that one for about a month and then went away until this past May. That went away by July and didn't reappear until just a couple weeks ago. I currently am suffering right now. I'll have a bad flare up with long excruciating pain hours after going to the bathroom. And then times where it hurts when I go but then no pain afterwards, giving me the impression that It's close to healing. But then again there's days like today where it's just unbearable at times. I currently eat plenty of fiber, use preparation h wipes, drink chamomile tea (for it's relaxing effects on the body) and also take magnesium supplements.I also use coconut oil for after the bathroom. I'm optimistic that this will go away soon like all the others did. I remember during the last one thinking :My god, this is never gonna go away. I'm gonna have this forever." And then sure enough it went away not long after. So I'm trying my best to stay positive. I actually have an appointment with a general surgeon tomorrow for a consultation I guess on my options. I've seen many doctors before but they all tell me the usual "increase your fiber, take a stool softener, use wipes, sitz bath..." all that. So I'm curious what the surgeon has to say.

Like I said I've been on here before but just to find help for this, never posted anything. So it's nice to meet all of you who understand my pain :). Any other advice for relieving the pain or speeding the recovery would be helpful of course. :)
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Re: New member, longtime struggler

Postby Savaici » 12 Sep 2015, 20:40

Hope the consult went well, and welcome to the forum. Would really suggest a CRS rather than a general one, but expect you have some answers now. Let us know how it went and once again :wel:
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Re: New member, longtime struggler

Postby Alejoboogie » 15 Sep 2015, 14:51

Hey thanks for your reply, the consult did go pretty well. The surgeon actually specializes in surgery for cancer, specifically colon I believe. So she has a good knowledge of everything pertaining to that area. She told me that it was definitely a fissure after she checked and prescribed me some nitroglycerin cream and lidocaine (a topical anesthetic) to numb the area. I've been using them for about 5 days with some mixed results. The first couple of days they worked like a charm, leaving me with virtually no pain after going to the bathroom (still had pain while going though). But these last couple of days they seem to take a long time after application to kick in. I also had a bad BM yesterday with just a little blood but was in tremendous pain for what seemed like forever. Just unbearable burning, even while taking a sitz bath. Which btw I don't feel like sitz baths are doing anything for me anymore. It still burns like heck when I'm sitting in there. I think the bad pain is coming from my stool consistency though. While they're not hard, they're kinda big and not super soft as they should. So that initial push to get it out is always a struggle. I had a little blood today again, not on the stool itself like it had been, but when I wiped.

I'm just really hoping this gets resolved soon as i can't handle these hours of unbearable pain. To make things worse, I'm supposed to be going to Vegas next friday for a festival. I would rather not have to worry about this fissure the whole time Im there. I wanna enjoy myself after all. If there's any other tips that could be helpful I would really appreciate it :)
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Re: New member, longtime struggler

Postby Savaici » 15 Sep 2015, 18:26

Unfortunately, the unbearable pain is the spasms of the internal sphincter and a true symptom of an AF. Been there, done that, lay on the sifa on my side for a year...

The nitro is to bring blood to the area (as is the Sitz Bath), so keep at it for 6-8 weeks on a regular basis. Don't try putting it inside, just as good outside and saves more pain.

You can see that the only thing that worked for me was dilation. I tried everything short of surgery. If it is too much, I would have the LIS surgery if your CRS suggest this so that you can get on with your life.

Tips: the usual ones are use Miralax, don't overdo the fibre for your sex and weight, drink lots of water, keep stools soft. I took 0.5mg Lorazapam at night so at least could be free of the pain at night, and it worked! That's it.

Try to enjoy Vegas!!
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