Post LIS and still not healed :(

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Post LIS and still not healed :(

Postby Neverendingproblems » 11 Nov 2015, 07:25

It doesnt heal because my poop is always a bit hard... Its so hard to get the right consistency...

I had 2 hemorrhoids out for about a week after LIS. I know i have internal ones, but maybe it was just inflamation rather than hemmies? They were worse after going to toilet, getting smaller in the afternoon/ evening.
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Re: Post LIS and still not healed :(

Postby Savaici » 11 Nov 2015, 11:05

Hi and :wel: to the forum. A bit difficult to know what is happening with you. How long since your surgery? Do you take any medication?
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Re: Post LIS and still not healed :(

Postby Neverendingproblems » 11 Nov 2015, 12:17

Hi there and thank you for noticing my appearrance on the scene.

I have fisures for years, they used to heal in a few weeks, but in the last 2 years one cronic one pulled me through hell and back. In march i had a fisurectomy with tag removal and unfortunately it did not work. I had no pain from the fisurectomy whatsoever but the fisure did not heal. I was not in the same hellish pain as before, but i was still in pain, disconfort and constant what i assume was infection. I had botox in july i think( cant even remember) and it did not work, itcrelaxed my sphinxter only for about 4 days! Ive had those butt presure measurements taken and the consultant saw i have a very stressed sphincter, so on 19 october i had sphincterotomy( i dont know if open/ close and fissurectomy also).

I had terrible pain during toilet visit for the first two days, after that much much better, but those two haemoroids( or inflamation, i still font know what those were) were very unpleasant. After about a week they were hardly there, now just a tiny bit. I slso have a tag, the consultant said she will cut it six months after the fissure will heal.

Now im almost four weeks after LIS and the fissure is still not healed, i got yet another fungal infection(probably humidity and low imune system), with the inflamation of skin atound( red,etc), and my biggest issue is i cant seem to find the rigjt consistency for my poopoo. Its too hard abd the fissure doesnt get s chance to heal, soo frustrating, but im afraid to take tpo much stuff, i already go 3 even four times at the toilet. After a harder poop i can feel the sphinxter contracting again, so pribably my LIS has been conservative.
As for the incision, i dont know if it healed or not, i dont know what i feel anymore in this butt, whats fissure, whats incision, whats fungus, whats haemoroids, God knows!

Im just very dissapointed, i was hoping this LIS will be the end of this hell.

And im only 31, you eould think the body has the strenght to heal itself.

Hugs to all sufferers. This site gives us comfort and hope when everything seems black and hopelless.
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Re: Post LIS and still not healed :(

Postby msimon » 13 Nov 2015, 03:38

How is your diet and water consumption? Do you eat enough fibre or take a stool softener? Is you BM hard each of those 3-4 times?
Dec '13 Fissure from anoscope
3 X internal sphincter botox
'08-'15 Botox for pelvic floor dysfunction
Nov '14 LIS/sentinel tag removal
Feb '15 Deroofing of recurrent infection from LIS
summer '15-healed but still ongoing muscle dysfunction/pain
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Re: Post LIS and still not healed :(

Postby Savaici » 13 Nov 2015, 04:27

Can you say what you are using that might have given you a fungal infection? Give us all the bits and pieces of what's going on, morning and evening, how you clean, what you use, etc., so that we can give you our advice. You really are not alone here. :smilyhug: :smilyhug:
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Re: Post LIS and still not healed :(

Postby Neverendingproblems » 23 Dec 2015, 03:37

Well,I drink two liters a day,i wash after going to toilet,maybe I wasnt drying enough? For about a month i got constipated also,itakethree movicol,three times lactulose,husk fiber,dulcoease and still not soft enough,I don't know what to do anymore.i also took syrup of figs on top and no difference.on thursdsy I saw the consultant and she gave me another botoxinjection,but ifi won't soften the poop its useless.she said I have a posterior and an anterior fissure( I did not speak with her after surgery) andshesaid if I dontheal in a month she will test me for crohn illness.

Can you please suggest something for my constipation ?

I'm sorry ittook me so long to reply,I did not realise you messaged me.

Big hug to all of you .
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