New here and fed up with my skin tag :(

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New here and fed up with my skin tag :(

Postby fedupofthis » 04 Apr 2016, 08:14

Hi all!

Is so lovely to be somewhere where people are able to understand what I am going through. I don't want to put too much personal info here as I never want anyone to find out that I have this problem :p I am a female, 24 from the UK.

I am really suffering with a very small anal skin tag. I realized I had it in 2013. I cut myself shaving and thought that it was a scar. But in January after being quite constipated, I took some lactolose one day and I was on the toilet all day. After that my skin tag had gotten bigger! :( I am already very self conscious of it during sex but now its gotten bigger. Id say its about 5mm big. The guy I am seeing hasnt said anything about it but it makes me feel disgusting and uncomfortable during intimate times. Looks like excess skin hanging out my bum. Not nice. I have put in the skin tag thread about whether theres any home remedy that works that isnt the tie and cut method. I used tea tree oil every day for a couple of weeks but saw no difference :( It never gets sore or irritated. Just sick of it. I think I am over thinking it as it is quite small but I just want to know if I can shrink it!

Any advice would be so very appreciated!

Thanks so very much.
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Re: New here and fed up with my skin tag :(

Postby Canadabum » 05 Apr 2016, 06:14

Welcome fedup...I get the frustration-- when you want change and you are not seeing any it can get annoying for sure. I wish I had an answer for you...perhaps a consult with a CRS who sees a lot of these would be helpful. Hopefully others with experience will chime in. Hang in there...
Best - CB
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Re: New here and fed up with my skin tag :(

Postby fedupofthis » 05 Apr 2016, 13:33

Thank you so much CB for your reply. I instantly feel better having had a reply from someone who understands. If I go to the doctors or anyone else they won't do surgery because it would be for cosmetic reasons and I honestly think it is too small. I am starting the tea tree oil again today and will try and be as consistent and possible! I just wish I could shrink it at least! Looking at it closely, it is/looks like excess skin/scar tissue. It disappears if I stretch open my bum. So sorry for the TMI!! Just want it gone! I hope to hear from others too! :) Most peoples skin tags get sore and irritated but mine never does.

Thanks again CB for making me feel so welcome.
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