Possible thrombosed external hem?

Any suggestions for topical otc?

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Possible thrombosed external hem?

Postby GilmoreGirl » 27 Oct 2016, 18:12

Hi all,

I'm recovering well from a nasty anal fissure that had me out for a month...I'm now realizing that there may be something else going on down there (yay). Excuse the details: I have a sort of "pad" of tissue that remains external, and that is sensitive to the touch. I've felt this pad before, but it has never caused me any pain. Now it is swollen and red and burning for a few hours following a bm. Does this sound like a thrombosed external hemerrhoid? Could it have been aggravated by the sphincter spasms from the fissure?

Does anyone have any suggestions for over the counter solutions for the hemerrhoid? I have an appointment with a CRS in a couple weeks, but I'd like something to relieve it before then.

I am already using the following for my fissure:

- hydrocortisone procto foam (for internal application)
- nifedipine + lidocaine
- polysporin 3x antibiotic with pain relief
- zinco fax at night over entire surface
- stool softener 1x daily
- sitz bath 2-3 times daily
- light diet, rest, ice and heat

Thanks so much!!!!
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Re: Possible thrombosed external hem?

Postby Savaici » 27 Oct 2016, 21:59

A thrombosed hemorrhoid is usually excruciatingly painful (had one years ago). You might have a swollen and irritated skin flap/sentinel pile. Nothing over the counter matches what a doctor can give you, in fact I would go as far as to say they're totally useless. I would say what you are doing already sounds best.
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Re: Possible thrombosed external hem?

Postby GilmoreGirl » 28 Oct 2016, 05:49

Thanks Savaici. It is quite large, slightly smaller than a marble. From pictures of external hemorrhoids, it looks just like that. It does hurt quite a bit after a bm, not as much as the fissure though!
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