new pain under my tailbone

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new pain under my tailbone

Postby restoremybody » 26 Jun 2012, 07:03

Hey just wondering if anyone else feels like they have pain in their tailbone area. Although it seems far away from my fissure- it is on the same side. I have tried going to the chiro for it a couple times but got no help. It must be related to the fissure somehow. I have had this fissure for 5 months- and it's gotten better but i got this tailbone pain about a month ago. It is much worse when I sit. I go in to see my CRS tom. Just hoping for some ideas before I go see him. Anyone's tailbone sore??? I saw buttgirl wrote this years ago and this is how I feel.
[i][i]by buttgirl on April 21st 2008, 7:01 pm
.So as my fissure heals, I'm realizing that the pain wasn't entirely from the fissure. I seem to have a general soreness in the area surrounding my tailbone. It is sore to pressure on the underside of the tailbone and also sore to pressure about 3 inches above the tip to the tailbone just to the side on my buttocks. It seems to hurt where the muscle attachs to the bone and it seems to get worse as the day goes on and sometimes keeps me awake because it's hard to get comfortable. It is a numb, grating sort of soreness, kinda like a charlie horse. It gets worse after excercise. It sometimes radiates into my hip socket to the right.
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Re: new pain under my tailbone

Postby restoremybody » 26 Jun 2012, 19:10

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Re: new pain under my tailbone

Postby jr2 » 26 Jun 2012, 20:30

I don't have tailbone pain, but it sounds like it could be a manifestation of pelvic floor dysfunction/pain. I also have pelvic floor pain, but mine isn't related to the tailbone. It isn't surprising really. There are muscles that create a kind of sling of the entire pelvis, and some of them attach near the tailbone. With the internal sphincter being in spasm, it is totally possible that there are effects on other nearby muscle groups. You could ask your CRS about this. There are courses of physical therapy and/or biofeedback, among other things, that can help.
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Re: new pain under my tailbone

Postby Sue27uk » 27 Jun 2012, 12:35

Hi restoremybody, I have had my fissure since March 2011, and started getting tailbone pain March 2012 even though my fissure situation has improved. I went to my GP the other day about it, as no creams work. Was getting to my wits end!! He examined the area to check whether the pain was constant and for other conditions. But has concluded that it is proctalgia fugax and possible levator ani (which is basically the muscles around being affected by the sphincter muscle spasming). He said there are tablets (long term treatment) that can help sort it out so will let you know if he gives me those. Mine is also worse when I sit and pain builds throughout the day. Is the skin red at all or inflamed? :)
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Re: new pain under my tailbone

Postby restoremybody » 27 Jun 2012, 19:41

Hi Sue, no the skin looks totally normal. The pain is deep inside- like under my tailbone on the left side- same as fissure. I did ask CRS today about this and he said probably from the muscle spasm down there- thing is my fissure is getting better but now this? weird. Hurst just as bad as fissure but at least in a less sensitive area. He i could try acupuncture or chiro, also heat and antiinflamatories. I am worried about this new pain as it has gotten worse each passing week. The CRS did say i was healing though, he didn't do a scope. He thinks about 90 percent healed. I am gonna try chiro and acupunture. I forgot to ask him, but am going to call to see if can get presription for anti-iflam meds. he did mention possiblity of abcess or fistula, though rare. I will try things first and see if it gets better. definitely worse after sitting a while. What kind of treatment is there for levator ani?
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Re: new pain under my tailbone

Postby 44alegna44 » 27 Jun 2012, 20:34

Hi rmb,
Sorry you're dealing with a new issue..sometimes the road is longer than we'd hoped or expected it would be...mine too continues on.
Glad you're up to pursuing the chiro and/or acupuncture routes..we can't give up, we've come this far and we must remain persistent in finding the answers and solution..
Let's keep the faith for healing and recovery! Image
Best wishes,
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Re: new pain under my tailbone

Postby andyk123 » 28 Jun 2012, 09:15

I have the exact same has to be from muscle tension as a result of pain. I saw a physio therapist who said she could help..but not until the fissure is healed! as she would need to massage inside.
i find the only thing that eases it slightly is sitting with correct posture to avoid pressure on tailbone.
hope some one finds a way to ease this
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Re: new pain under my tailbone

Postby restoremybody » 29 Jun 2012, 11:18

Thanks Angel and Andy,
I am trying not to let this get me down, just when i am finally starting to heal! I cry sometimes at all the months of endless pain. My husband and son have been so supportive and wonderful. I wouldn't have made it without them and this wonderful site and all of you. One day we will all post at how we've healed! Amen.
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Re: new pain under my tailbone

Postby mamafizz » 05 Dec 2016, 14:28

Hello, I currently have the same symptoms as I have been reading.. This Hi up tightness is constant even thought the fissure pain has eased somewhat, cannot sit, go out or do much at all. Its this chronic tightness near the tail bone, has anyone since it is so long ago.had this totally go away by now? hoping all is well for you all and hoping that this will wear off soon for me as well. total almost 6 months, I pray each day for strength to endure, God is answering it is taking a long time. Any other suggestions let me know if anyone is still out there! It seems the muscle just has a strong memory and will take a while to relax and wear off. I am on nitro for some time now... Have not tried Botox but Dr said he could offer this soon.?! Hope to hear from someone..
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Re: new pain under my tailbone

Postby Aliaa » 09 Dec 2016, 16:57

Hi mamafizz, I just feel the same symptoms as mentioned here. Have done anal fissure surgery 4.5 months agog do fissure getting much better but my tailbone sores like hell when I get to sit for a bit long time even with a foam pillow underneath. The pain is localized in the tip of the tailbone and sometimes spreads little bit to the left or right muscle cheek. I don't feel it if I get to roam around the house all the time. However, standing or sitting specifically makes it sore after a while. Exercises don't make it sore though. Is that what u feel?! Have u find any answers for your pain?!
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