So glad I have found this site!

25 female, suffering chronic anal fissure for 2 years

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So glad I have found this site!

Postby BethyMorgy » 18 Dec 2016, 07:29

Hello- I'm 25 from the UK. Since the traumatic birth of my son I have suffered daily with a chronic anall fissure and now newly diagnosed with IBS.

I have tried everything from fybogel, physillium husk, high fibre diet, drinking loads of water, creams, ointments and botox injections. I also had banding of piles which luckily did work.

I was about to under go another course of Botox injections however found out I was expecting a baby number 2 (yep...ouch) of which my colon specialist said means everything would highly likely come back and so to put off the treatment until after delivery.

I am in pain daily after my morning bowl movement, some times excruciating pain that lasts up to 5 hours!

I also have 2-3 skin tags / sentinental piles around my anus, one is large.

All of this is ruining my every day life as you can imagine :cry:

I am also so scared it's anal cancer because of the fact I have more than one skin tag.
Any reassurance or just to meet someone on here to talk to would be amazing right now.

Thanks guys :thankyou:
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Re: So glad I have found this site!

Postby LemonMan » 28 Dec 2016, 10:34

Blimey Bethy!!, Sounds like you are really having a tough time of it! Really sorry to hear this. It's not much of a consolation I know but time is a great healer and you will get through this eventually.

Anal cancer is usually fairly easy to spot so your specialist should be able to reassure you there. Most of the usual drugs you might use to treat anal fissures are not a good idea if you are pregnant, so I would focus on your diet and try and keep those stools as soft as possible.

Let us know how things progress, and best of luck. You might want to think about starting a diary here. It really can help to get your thoughts down, and other people then usually chip in with helpful advice.

Aug 14: Anal Abscess diagnosed
Dec 15: Anterior Anal Fissure diagnosed
Jan 16: Anoheal - Thought was healed end of Jan
Apr 16: Anoheal - Thought was healed end of May
Sep 16: Fissure back. Started Anoheal again
May 17: Botox and banding - fingers crossed
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