Hello! I'm Terrified!

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Re: Hello! I'm Terrified!

Postby ScaredyCat1822 » 06 Dec 2016, 20:34

Okay, so now I have a new problem. I got the prescription today (they were out of it yesterday), and is a tube of "Nitro Bid 2%" ointment. Everything I have read says nitroglycerin treatment for anal fissures is with a 0.2% ointment--a difference of a factor of ten.

I'm already nervous about the headaches, so I don't want to take more than I have to. But, I also don't want to be "that patient" who second-guesses everything, and ends up with a doctor who hates me (especially when I really like him).

Has anyone used Nitro Bid? I can't find much online about it.

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Re: Hello! I'm Terrified!

Postby GilmoreGirl » 06 Dec 2016, 21:01

Not sure - can you phone the doctor or pharmacy to check in the morning? In the meantime, do you have any Vaseline/petroleum jelly or lidocaine cream? You could mix it 1:10 with the 2% nitro and start with that if you want to try a smaller % to start.
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Re: Hello! I'm Terrified!

Postby ScaredyCat1822 » 06 Dec 2016, 21:04

Yeah, I think I'm going to try that. I definitely want to start out small--I'm such a wuss!

I asked the pharmacist about it, and she said that's the standard dose. I have also found a couple of references online that Nitro-Bid 2% might be the same thing as Nitro 0.2%.

Time to mix Nitro-Bid and Vaseline! Wish me luck!
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Re: Hello! I'm Terrified!

Postby Savaici » 06 Dec 2016, 21:56

Here is my post from 2011!! I was dished out the same thing (expensive it was too). Do make sure you cut the dosage. I never used it!

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Re: Hello! I'm Terrified!

Postby ScaredyCat1822 » 01 Jan 2017, 16:59

Well, I had my one month follow-up with the surgeon on Friday. He said everything was doing great. He said to taper off the Miralax, start taking fiber and LOTS of water, and see how I do. If I tear it again, just use the Miralax and hot baths and NitroBid again. If in the future it tears and I cannot get it to heal, he said call him and he'll inject Botox. Otherwise, don't worry about it and enjoy life. He also said I should probably get a colonoscopy done in the next few years.

The real key for me was the Miralax. While on it, I had absolutely no bleeding and no pain. Vaseline before bowel movements worked well, too. I drank organic coconut oil to lubricate my digestive system, and soaked in it for healing, lubrication, and moisturization. Oatmeal and coffee every morning, and lots of salads. No seeds, fried foods, or steak. I chewed everything I ate to a fine paste. I can't tell that the NitroBid did anything.

Hopefully this info helps someone else with their fears and saves them from too much distress. Another happy ending!
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Re: Hello! I'm Terrified!

Postby ScaredyCat1822 » 03 Jan 2017, 19:46

Aaaaand I spoke too soon. Just two days after reducing the Miralax and adding Metamucil, I have torn it again. No blood, but definite pain.

Crap (no pun intended), I guess it's back to the drawing board. Anyone know how long you can safely take Miralax? My surgeon said he wants me off of it because the colon becomes "lazy", but I think he may be confusing it with non-osmotic laxatives.
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Re: Hello! I'm Terrified!

Postby GilmoreGirl » 03 Jan 2017, 20:20

Ouf that's rough! Stay on the miralax while you're healing - maybe you could try and gradually increase fibre while taking it, just to very slowly firm things up. I wouldn't worry about the colon getting lazy - the priority is healing and you can slowly taper off the miralax once you feel back to normal. I was told to just take miralax every night for as long as needed by my top rated GI.

One tip would be to try some vitamin e oil as you're healing. Gently massage it around the area if you're able - it will help retain the elasticity of the tissue.
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Re: Hello! I'm Terrified!

Postby houseocker » 19 Jan 2017, 12:21

Seeing the posts about 2% nitro vs. .2% nitro. I am taking the former. Get this burning rectal pain every year about this time and have done nitrobid in the past. Now using a compound. Do get a slight headache but it goes away. So is 2% too much or not? This is my third winter with the problem and the nitro compound seemed to take care of it the last 2 years. Been on it about a week this time.
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Re: Hello! I'm Terrified!

Postby ScaredyCat1822 » 19 Jan 2017, 20:59

I've still got the large tube of 2%, but I keep mixing it with vaseline down to 0.2%. Does it burn or cause any other side effects? How much do you use? I've been scared to use 2%, but if you've been doing it for 3 years without any ill effects, I may try it.

I've found that for me, Miralax, fiber, lots of water, and squatting help more than anything.
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