Magnesium oil spray

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Magnesium oil spray

Postby NikkiB69 » 05 Apr 2017, 09:47

I've been reading on here and internet surfing in general, and magnesium comes up a lot in helping with fissures. From what I understand, it acts as a muscle relaxant.. Therefore I decided to try a magnesium citrate supplement and a magnesium oil spray (apparently it is absorbed well through the skin...). I'm willing to give almost anything a go if it helps with the unbearable pain of the tight internal sphincter muscle I seem to have!!
So just wondered if anyone has tried the spray and if so what were the results? The one I've got is pure magnesium with aloe vera.
I'm not sure if it's ok to apply to the fissure directly (mine is not an open wound but also not fully healed.. I think..) or maybe I could spray some into the water I use in my sitz bath(?).....
Any replies, advice, tips greatly appreciated. Thank you
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Re: Magnesium oil spray

Postby Mypoorbutt » 05 Apr 2017, 09:54

You should be fine if your fissure isn't an open wound. I in desperation tried it on my fissure when it was very deep....oh my life the pain went from a 7 to a 10 in a nano second. But that's because I sprayed it directly on an open wound. It's meant to be great and works well on my calf cramps
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Re: Magnesium oil spray

Postby mamafizz » 07 Apr 2017, 17:03

Nikki, I was doing a quick search regarding muscle issues, &came across the post- thought I would let you know I used pure magnesium spray which absorbs and tends to relax muscles. Topical also so it does not harm digestive track. Also mixed essential oils, cramp bark, basil,marjoram and lavender and peppermint with almond oil and massage into soles of feet. Spasms slowly stopping. Fissure healed Botox 2.5 months ago now just have residual levator tenderness which is slowly fizzling out!
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Re: Magnesium oil spray

Postby mamafizz » 11 Apr 2017, 13:33

NikkiB are you having any improvement? --I too still have this residual levator type issue, after healing, but still have internal hems which can also provoke this. I spoke to a CRS who said that with fissures and pretty much any surgery especially there, we tend to hold our tension in that area and he explained that these muscles have been overworked for a long time, and needs time to go back to normal sometimes it's just more time 2-6 months on the average. Longer if you are stressed. How long have you had the dreaded golf ball effect lol....? I had 6 babies and this is the worst of all!! But I am noticing improvement for sure.
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Re: Magnesium oil spray

Postby NikkiB69 » 12 Apr 2017, 15:35

Hi. I had a physio appointment last week, she checked my pelvic floor vaginally and was quite surprised that everything felt quite normal considering the symptoms of tightness, discomfort and pain I describe. She explained that she doesn't specialise in anal problems, but has a colleague she's going to speak to for advice.
I've been taking the magnesium supplements and using the spray daily and having weekly reflexology. I've also been swimming and doing pelvic exercises at home. I do feel the fissure is healing more lately (though still hurts!), BM's not quite as painful, and the internal tightness seems a little less. But I'm worried to get my hopes up!
mamafizz, wow 6 babies and this is the worst pain, that's crazy isn't it!! I try to explain the pain to my husband, but I don't think he can really understand (though he is very symapathetic bless him)... Regarding your question of how long? Well, the 2 hemmie surgeries I had were Nov 2015 and Jan 2016, so I've been in pain since then really. I assumed the pain was recovery/healing, but then I was diagnosed about June last year with fissure (not sure if it may have been there since the surgery though) so difficult to say! It's been a long while anyway, and I wonder if this is adding to the stress, tension etc and my muscles are probably all bunched up...... What have you been doing that's given you your improvement? Do you have a list of things you do as a routine like me? How long have you been suffering?
Errrrrgggghhh, I'll be so glad when this is all gone and I can HAVE MY LIFE BACK!!
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Re: Magnesium oil spray

Postby mamafizz » 15 Apr 2017, 17:49 ... oid-relief alot of time the blood vessels and veins are very swollen and the tissue is inflamed with fissures. This will give that sore achy myalgia muscle feeling. This is helping.. Diosimin and hesperidan natural and helping !
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Re: Magnesium oil spray

Postby mamafizz » 15 Apr 2017, 19:19

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Re: Magnesium oil spray

Postby NikkiB69 » 17 Apr 2017, 02:28

Thanx mamafizz. I've read the articles. So they are aimed at hemmeroids but help with fissures also is that right? I'm in the UK, I'll look into it....
Yes I get sudden twinges, like a shooting pain sometimes, and other times I get aching, throbbing sort of pain. Especially if I've been overdoing it a bit, like this weekend, gardening and a lot of walking!
It really gets me down....
Do you get these pains?
Anyone else?
.... x
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Re: Magnesium oil spray

Postby mamafizz » 17 Apr 2017, 12:17

Yes and Yes...Mine is higher up in the rectum toward the tailbone. Most likely where the veins etc are connected to the muscles. Is that where yours is bothering you? It's a combo internal hems can be higher up and in small cluster of veins that can be ever present and not really seen but can give oodles of problems. Do you ever feel like you still have to go to the bathroom even after you just went. It can be ongoing from overstimulated nerves etc.

Mine seems to get worse as the day progresses and after going to the bathroom and by the evening builds. The specialist said it's from the muscles and veins. It's not levator ani since this is a syndrome when there is no injury however it is a tenderness that has been brought about by the fissure or internal hems/blood vessels inflammation.(similiar symptoms) This supplement takes down the inflammation naturally and therefore stands to reason that the muscles will relax and return to unclench status as a result. The reason it takes so long is because we hold all of our daily stress in this area, so it becomes constantly stressed with activity and emotion. It has been protecting us automatically and now has to realize it does not have to do that anymore. It will fizzle out overtime. When we stress (which is almost impossible not to) it delays the process.

This area takes a long while to heal. But the healing properties in these supplements help restore those cells etc. I have had this constantly at varying degrees. So when the nerves and muscles and connective tissue repair it go away, need to not pay attention to it, which is really difficult. I had severe muscle spasms not sure if you had that also. It is extremely slow but def on the right path.
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Re: Magnesium oil spray

Postby mamafizz » 17 Apr 2017, 12:28

PS It is my understanding that it is that portion of the levator muscles that wrap around the rectum not necessarily the Inner Sphincter but they are connected. So deep buddha belly breathing helps subtle relaxation of those muscles. Also the Cramp Bark Essential oil and Spinkenard (hard to get) Frankensence marjoram and basil lavender peppermint mixed with almond oil and massaged into soles of the feet also helps as well.
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