Post-op fistulotomy bump?

small bump near surgical site

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Post-op fistulotomy bump?

Postby zinnia » 20 Apr 2017, 20:43

I had a fistulotmy two weeks ago. Reason for fistula not certain- could be from failed surgery many years ago or from a fissure that got irritated. In any event I am doing ok. But I have a small lump around incision site. I actually had it before surgery and it would become irritated. So the surgeon did ultrasound etc and found track and I feel he must have been thorough. I asked him at post op today and he basically told me I over worried.... Well, this has been a several step process so yea I worry! But I really just need some reassurance that bumps around fistulotomy sites are with in normal. He also gave me some nifediprine cream to help loosen muscle and increase blood supply. Thanks for any insight!
Salt Bather
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Re: Post-op fistulotomy bump?

Postby zinnia » 21 Apr 2017, 12:26

Anyone have any thoughts on this? It seems to rise and fall, yet just be there. Normal??
Salt Bather
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