Dr. Feingold

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Dr. Feingold

Postby sadsong » 29 Dec 2016, 22:22

There's an older discussion about this doctor, but I wanted to add my experience. I had the Kenalog procedure with him and I wasn't fully informed about the procedure and possible consequences. Now that several months have passed since the procedure, my initial fissure is back and painful more frequently than before. And I have at least one new fissure that is painful on a daily basis. The new fissures have been painful since Day 1 so I didn't even get a honeymoon period or whatever.

Based on some other stories I've seen here, I think Dr. Feingold overstates his success rate. He didn't tell me that getting new fissures was a possible side effect or that I might go from having a painful bowel movement every few weeks to every day. Now because of the new fissure even small stools are painful. I also didn't realize that I would be dilated as treatment instead of just to cauterize my initial fissure and he hasn't admitted that the procedure caused the new fissures.

He's a professional doctor, and he cares. But I wish he had been more honest about what the procedure entailed, that it is still in its early stages so there's not much information about long term results, his success rate, and frankly that having the procedure made me worse. If I could go back, I wouldn't do it. My life was better before. Now I have to take miralax/colace to make sure that even small stools are manageable. If I'm going to be on meds for the rest of my life, I wish I had just taken them before because I would have had zero pain with my old fissure. Now I have to take the meds and still have pain.

I guess there are people out there who have been treated successfully, but I do not recommend this procedure unless possibly getting a new fissure that hurts everyday is not worse than what you're currently suffering through.
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Re: Dr. Feingold

Postby julianalconte » 19 May 2017, 12:05

Can I ask, how are you doing now? Keep us updated!
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