Poop standing up?!!

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Poop standing up?!!

Postby Chloe6 » 17 Mar 2016, 18:48

Hello everyone, I'm new and boy am I glad you are here. I've had AF for about 7 months with 3 flare ups the last being the longest and most depressing. I've been desperately reading so much in this and another AF forum. I came upon a gent's post who claimed he is on his way toward healing as it's been weeks of no pain and what he did was to start pooping standing up and take a Senna vegetable laxative one in a.m. and one p.m. It sounded nuts to me but because I was desperate and he's had weeks of no pain I tried it. first day no bleeding! was so greatful just for that. I'm on my fourth day of no bleeding but now the Senna tablets are having a bad reaction as today my stomach went into spasm and I had 4 bms bordering on diarrhea which is aggravating the anus. Still no blood but pain starting to come back.
I cannot tell if the good effect thus far is from the standing position or the senna laxatives.

Has anyone else done this nutty technique of pooping standing up? Apparently I have to adjust the senna thing but I'm wondering if standing does indeed put less pressure on the fissure or the laxative just sufficiently softened the bm. I'm going to take my first 'sitz bath' this eve? Do you think epsom salts would be healing? Thanks so much!
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Re: Poop standing up?!!

Postby Savaici » 19 Mar 2016, 13:19

Do not use Senna, in my opinion. Use Miralax, which draws water into the colon, does not in general give stomach cramps, and is what is recommended by colon and rectal surgeons (CRS). I use Milk of Magnesia, which also draws water into the colon.

How you poop is up to you. I sit... Others try squatting, or raising the feet slightly on a little stool (or an old shoe box, or whatever you have.

Use the search above, between Portal and FAQ, and search by topic. Lots of information there.

I use a Sitz Bath. You do not need Epsom Salts. Again, most CRSs recommend plain water - warm as you can take it. Make sure you drink enough water and don't overdo the fibre.

:wel: to the group!

Chloe6 wrote:Hello everyone, I'm new and boy am I glad you are here. I've had AF for about 7 months with 3 flare ups the last being the longest and most depressing. I've been desperately reading so much in this and another AF forum. I came upon a gent's post who claimed he is on his way toward healing as it's been weeks of no pain and what he did was to start pooping standing up and take a Senna vegetable laxative one in a.m. and one p.m. It sounded nuts to me but because I was desperate and he's had weeks of no pain I tried it. first day no bleeding! was so greatful just for that. I'm on my fourth day of no bleeding but now the Senna tablets are having a bad reaction as today my stomach went into spasm and I had 4 bms bordering on diarrhea which is aggravating the anus. Still no blood but pain starting to come back.
I cannot tell if the good effect thus far is from the standing position or the senna laxatives.

Has anyone else done this nutty technique of pooping standing up? Apparently I have to adjust the senna thing but I'm wondering if standing does indeed put less pressure on the fissure or the laxative just sufficiently softened the bm. I'm going to take my first 'sitz bath' this eve? Do you think epsom salts would be healing? Thanks so much!
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Re: Poop standing up?!!

Postby Chloe6 » 19 Mar 2016, 22:06

Thanks Savaici.
I know it's up to me how I poop (!) I was just wondering if anyone else did this other than the one guy whose post I read (and now can't find) because I don't know if it's a coincidence that this is my 5th day of no cutting/bleeding or could it be because of this technique.
I note your point about 'drawing water into the colon'. That is interesting. I take it you have researched that Senna does the opposite, make one lose water? That would make sense based on my reaction. I will try Milk of Magnesia and I have read more than one person loving the supplement Magnesium which I started taking bet 250 - 500 mg and so far no reaction at all. I was just hoping to find 'natural' elements to work with as opposed to the ingredients in over the counter stuff but I will read more about milk of magnesia.
Thanks for the welcome and your response.

Savaici wrote:Do not use Senna, in my opinion. Use Miralax, which draws water into the colon, does not in general give stomach cramps, and is what is recommended by colon and rectal surgeons (CRS). I use Milk of Magnesia, which also draws water into the colon.

How you poop is up to you. I sit... Others try squatting, or raising the feet slightly on a little stool (or an old shoe box, or whatever you have.

Use the search above, between Portal and FAQ, and search by topic. Lots of information there.

I use a Sitz Bath. You do not need Epsom Salts. Again, most CRSs recommend plain water - warm as you can take it. Make sure you drink enough water and don't overdo the fibre.

:wel: to the group!

Chloe6 wrote:Hello everyone, I'm new and boy am I glad you are here. I've had AF for about 7 months with 3 flare ups the last being the longest and most depressing. I've been desperately reading so much in this and another AF forum. I came upon a gent's post who claimed he is on his way toward healing as it's been weeks of no pain and what he did was to start pooping standing up and take a Senna vegetable laxative one in a.m. and one p.m. It sounded nuts to me but because I was desperate and he's had weeks of no pain I tried it. first day no bleeding! was so greatful just for that. I'm on my fourth day of no bleeding but now the Senna tablets are having a bad reaction as today my stomach went into spasm and I had 4 bms bordering on diarrhea which is aggravating the anus. Still no blood but pain starting to come back.
I cannot tell if the good effect thus far is from the standing position or the senna laxatives.

Has anyone else done this nutty technique of pooping standing up? Apparently I have to adjust the senna thing but I'm wondering if standing does indeed put less pressure on the fissure or the laxative just sufficiently softened the bm. I'm going to take my first 'sitz bath' this eve? Do you think epsom salts would be healing? Thanks so much!
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Re: Poop standing up?!!

Postby Dnsjo » 04 Feb 2018, 08:02

Old post but I’ll chime in. PSU definitely has helped me. My AF has not healed completely but after pooping I used to get what I call DRANO (dammit, ripped a new one), now with PSU visits are much less aggravating. A few tips:
* Smear your bottom beforehand with coconut, olive, or grapeseed oil. Easier cleanup and less chafing later.
* place a tall hamper or barstool in front of you for support of your upper body. You’ll want to lean a little bit.
* lay down a few layers of TP in the toilet to minimize splashing.
* aim for the shallows and use a strafe pattern. Barely flex at the knees, you’ll know if you go to far. Ouch.
* if your AF or fistula is at or near 12:00 use hand pressure against that spot with oil-soaked TP.
* wipe gently, clean with pad of choice and reapply favorite goop.
Good luck.
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