My AF and LIS surgery experience

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My AF and LIS surgery experience

Postby Deleted User 7114 » 30 Apr 2018, 04:32

My fissure appeared out of nowhere in September 17 right at the time that I was starting a new, highly stressful job. At first I thought it was hemorrhoids, and was surprised when the stinging didn't go away after a week or two. By the time October came, I couldn't sit down without significant discomfort and started to wonder what was going on. I went to see my doctor who sent me off with lidocaine for a week. I came back a week later and he put me on more lidocaine and referred me to a specialist.

The first appointment I could get with the specialist was at the end of November. When I finally saw him, he seemed to think that I might have Chron's disease or ulcerative colitis and wanted to do a colonoscopy in January. In December, while waiting for the time to pass and having painful BMs every morning, I started looking on the internet for answers. I didn't think that I had any symptoms of Chron's or UC, but came across the symptoms of AF, which perfectly described what I was experiencing. I cancelled my appointment with the specialist, and found another consultant and got an appointment for mid-January. By this time I had been having painful BMs every day for 3.5 months. When I saw the consultant, he immediately diagnosed an AF and put me on Rectogesic. I did a first round of Rectogesic, which helped marginally, but the pain was still significant. When the consultant saw me again after 3 weeks, he had me continue the Rectogesic for another 3 weeks to see whether the extra time would fix it.

After 6 weeks, I went back to the consultant and told him that there was still no improvement. The BMs were as painful as ever. I would break out in a sweat, shake and cry out when I was on the toilet. I needed to get up 45 minutes early every morning to give myself time to go to the toilet and take a sitz bath afterwards before having to rush off to work. The hot water of a sitz bath has, and still does, give me immense relief.

I have been very lucky that apart from a difficult, painful start to the day I have been able to go about my day without too much pain. I'm not sure whether I was so stressed about my new job and working constantly that this provided a distraction or not, but for whatever reason, I seemed to be able to make it through the day. I would put my pain at about 8-9 on the Wikipedia pain scale during a BM, and then between 4 and 6 for the rest of the day depending on the day. Despite this, I and the consultant both knew that I could not go on living like this. I was getting scared of going to the toilet and it was starting to cause me significant distress. After reading lots of posts on this forum, I knew that LIS was the only way to go and immediately accepted when my consultant offered me the surgery.

8 March 2108 - LIS surgery: The first three weeks were very difficult for me. I had thought I would feel much better, much sooner. This wasn't my case. During the first week, my BMs were slightly more painful than before the surgery, but this really didn't last long. The pain started to slowly decrease. It took me three full weeks to feel like I could start to live my life normally again.

29 March
I still feel sore every day, and at my 3-week check-up, my consultant confirmed that my surgery wound had not yet healed (I could have told him that!) so I was signed off work for a month in total. An external hemorrhoid appeared around this time that is not making the situation any easier. I had never had external hemorrhoids before the surgery.

4.5 weeks: despite not yet being healed, I am feeling SO MUCH better than I did before the surgery.

7 weeks, 3 days: This morning during my BM I felt the knowing sting of a re-tear. There was no spasm pain thanks to the surgery, but I checked the fissure site and it was open and red again. It was also the first time in a while that I have needed a hot sitz bath to calm the stinging. I am on my period at the moment, and that always causes unpredictable, inconvenient changes to my BMs. I have had diarrhea for the last two days, but that too can re-tear a fissure. I had 3 BMs today, which also makes it worse. If I can just crack the code of keeping regular, it will help matters immensely.

These setbacks are demoralising, but I am determined to remain optimistic. I WILL heal. It might just take longer than I expected. I am going to put vaseline on the fissure site before and after a BM, and make sure I drink 2 litres of water per day and eat a high fibre diet.

I will continue to update this post regularly.
Deleted User 7114

Re: My AF and LIS surgery experience

Postby missy moo » 21 May 2018, 15:21

How you feeling?
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Re: My AF and LIS surgery experience

Postby Deleted User 7114 » 07 Jun 2018, 08:28

Hi Missy,

I'm almost 14 weeks post LIS and still having some issues. I keep re-tearing during my period. My next strategy is anal self-dilation to try and reduce the pressure down there. How are you getting on?
Deleted User 7114

Re: My AF and LIS surgery experience

Postby missy moo » 23 Jun 2018, 16:10

Hedgehogbum are you taking any softners? Eatting healthy? Drinking lots of water? I understand the retearing during your period I was the same before Botox now I'm just uncomfortable most days today was a bit painful during a harder misshapen bm with blood I have an appointment in 2 weeks to see what my options are, how are you
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Re: My AF and LIS surgery experience

Postby missy moo » 23 Jun 2018, 16:18

I ask because I'm addicted to sugar an I know it won't be helping the matter I need to change my diet an knock out sugar especially right before an during my period.
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Re: My AF and LIS surgery experience

Postby Deleted User 7114 » 28 Jun 2018, 01:20

I am eating the most ridiculously healthy diet. Lol I eat like Gwyneth Paltrow. Tons of water, mainly plant-based, no red meat, dairy or chocolate since forever! I do eat fish and chicken, but other than that it is veg all the way. You are completely right though, because if I get off track for even one day, I seem to suffer more in the days that follow. I ate some maple syrup yesterday because i was having a sugar craving, and I made up a honey dressing for a lentil salad before that. I’m gonna try getting rid of sugar starting today. I’m right before my next period so I need to be careful.
Deleted User 7114

Re: My AF and LIS surgery experience

Postby missy moo » 28 Jun 2018, 01:46

I can tell you right now then it's not your diet since you eat so well, so don't over do it we still need a little treat here an there ive been eatting healthy since my last post it's been good I never have really eatten red meat or potatoes or bread/toast so I'm not to bad but it was always the sugar I think since I've dropped the sugar I'm eatting fruit as my sweet treat but this new way of diet hasn't stopped my fissure bleeding but I'm hoping to create a healthier body all together I hope your doing well : )
Last edited by missy moo on 02 Jul 2018, 23:23, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: My AF and LIS surgery experience

Postby Katie » 28 Jun 2018, 02:20

I'm due on tomorrow and I had a bit of blood yesterday very soft today and feel sore what is the link with periods???? I follow slimming world diet but have treats at weekends don't think diets make a difference!! X
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Re: My AF and LIS surgery experience

Postby missy moo » 28 Jun 2018, 04:34

When your on your period an leading up to it our estrogen levels drop which leaves our skin weak also all the pressure from the period just having a period creates inflammation down there everywhere. I've always had a pattern when it comes to my periods my fissure would always flear up either the few days leading up to during my periods so my anxiety goes up around that time I also make plans around it which sucks I'm not sure how to change it I've thought about taking birth control pills to stable all my hormones but not sure if that will work mite be worth a try?
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Re: My AF and LIS surgery experience

Postby missy moo » 30 Jun 2018, 18:44

Hedgehogbum an Katie how are you both doing today?
missy moo
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