Had second LIS + fissurectomy + fissure stitched

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Re: Had second LIS + fissurectomy + fissure stitched

Postby Deleted User 4536 » 09 Jul 2019, 07:01

Tryingtorelax wrote:Whatsherface, have you had your post op checkup yet with the doc? What did the doc say about your tightness?

the tightness feeling eventually went away, breathing exercise really helped.
and my next apt is in august... how are you feeling now?

Jimoffy wrote:I had same procedure as you 5 days ago, I’m very swollen, incision is gaping open and looks like somethings going to crawl out of there, all nice and dischargy, fissure pain feels the same or slightly better, but god it hurts to have a bm. I think more from the gaping incision. Does this get better ?

was your incision not stitched up?
for me, pain had calmed down by day 5 and i felt ''normal'' after 2 weeks. unfortunately still getting a 2/10 pain from fissure though.
Deleted User 4536

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