Second LIS probably didnt work again.

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Re: Second LIS probably didnt work again.

Postby AJStyles » 03 Jun 2017, 23:16

Well he said its looking great and its healing. The wound is open a bit but its gonna be healed soon, he predicts that i will be healed in 2-3 Weeks. 100%. I kinda cant believe him since i am still in pain, but time will tell. For now, i will trust my doc and not stress me out. He looked very confident when he told me it will heal 100%. Gonna be some interesting weeks...
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Re: Second LIS probably didnt work again.

Postby missy moo » 04 Jun 2017, 02:41

My advice as silly as it may sound is (Think it into your life) everyday tell yourself wow it's getting better slowly but surely. Even if your in pain an don't believe what you yourself are saying but try to get your brain to heal your body trust me our minds are sooo powerful try with all your might to be positive an don't think about pain or the fissure try to egnore it an distract yourself keep yourself busy as much as possible tell yourself you will be in the success group real soon. YOU WILL HEAL :D
missy moo
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