Probably a silly question


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Re: Probably a silly question

Postby Sal7864 » 06 Jan 2019, 10:47

Here it is nearly 2 years since my surgery, and I still can't always eliminate like I used to . I do take psyllium husk and that helps to keep my stool together but it does not seem that the strength is back in my anus. I am beginning to think that I will never fully regain the stre ngh that I had before I had the surgery it's disheartening I have read on some forums is that it takes about 18 months just to get it back to 86%. I think I am beginning to wonder now if it will ever return. I'm beginning to have my doubts and it's kind of discouraging. Also another update I was diagnosed with kidney cancer over a year ago fortunately it was not spread it was contained and they were able to do a partial nephrectomy I think I'm okay today
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Re: Probably a silly question

Postby patience_and_healing » 08 Jan 2019, 23:34

Hi Sal, have you considered pelvic physical therapy as an option? There are several exercises that pelvic PTs can help you with, which may improve evacuation of BMs. One method would be biofeedback which can really help you in contracting the right muscles at the right time.
8/16-12/16: Fissure due to antibiotics
5/17: Botox to sphincter, fissure healed
9/19: Trigger point injections and pudendal nerve block
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Re: Probably a silly question

Postby Sal7864 » 18 Aug 2019, 16:56

The Metamucil seems to help but if I go more than once or twice in an hour then it's soft and how to clean that's what I have to use my sitz bath to clean thoroughly
Salt Bather
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