IBS-D + Anal Stenosis?

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IBS-D + Anal Stenosis?

Postby conniptionfit » 19 Aug 2019, 02:09

Helloooo! It's been a bit since I was here! (Had a successful fistulotamy?.. Fistulectomy?? lol And a colonoscopy!) Pre-apologies for my blunt-ness!

Anyway, I was since then, I have been having trouble feeling 'finished' with bowel movements, and was diagnosed with anal stenosis-- This, after a horrible procedure of 'shit barium gel in a diaper while we take pictures of it with an MRI.' (Turns out that wasn't necessary, and a different doctor just stuck a finger in my backside to decide it wasn't a rectocele/cystocele/etc. Everything felt healthy (albeit tight enough to form diamonds) and in place.)
Does anyone else have these two issues together? Anal stenosis, plus IBS-D? I'm basically living day to day having to take Metamucil so I can have a solid BM-- but if I happen to miss a dose, or don't take the exact right amount, I'm left either going to the bathroom constantly, or having to use Pedia-lax glycerin suppositories to 'finish.'

I'm usually super exhausted after that, but after four years back and forth to the doctor, I'm just wondering if I'm potentially destroying my insides, or if I should suck it up and go back to see a doc. I also have fibromyalgia and narcolepsy, so I'm just always tired and sore and exhausted, so the idea of another year series of going to the doctor for this, having them tell me it's this, that, and the other thing, having multiple tests, all for it to end up that I'm doing what the right thing... makes me want to vomit.

I suppose I'm just asking for opinions? Obviously not medical advice lol If anyone has the same issues, I'd love to know! <3
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Re: IBS-D + Anal Stenosis?

Postby tight80 » 14 Oct 2019, 21:45

Hi conniptionfit. Very sorry to hear of your troubles. I have IBS-D and just had LIS surgery for fissure with ongoing sphincter spasm. CRS said I was well on my way towards stenosis because my sphincter was one of the tightest he's encountered under anesthesia. I was having similar problems with feeling finished with my BMs like you prior to my surgery. I haven't been able to pass anything thicker than a pencil in years. I'm curious to see if this changes after I heal now that the sphincter tension has been relieved. If I had been able to heal my fissure with the creams my CRS recommended doing exactly what you are doing which is to bulk up the stools to try to stretch the muscle. How long have you been trying the metamucil therapy? Has it helped to improve your IBS-D at all and bulk things up?
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Re: IBS-D + Anal Stenosis?

Postby conniptionfit » 14 Oct 2019, 22:24

The metamucil has really saved me. It makes everything come out easier, and there us very little strain or effort, or even clean up tbh. The only time I have issues is when I am sick, extra anxious, or don't take enough. I can't recommend it enough, it really has been life changing. Though I hate HAVING to take it, it's better than the alternative.

I had some severe fissure trouble for years, which I'm sure didn't help my issues, leading to the stenosis and such, and the colonoscopy was the final straw, so to speak. I'm trying a couple different things at home, just doing my best to avoid ever missing a dose or taking too little lol Hope you start seeing some improvement!!
•31, f, illinois
•ibs-d, anal stenosis
•fibromyalgia, narcolepsy
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