Healing time post fistulotomy?

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Re: Healing time post fistulotomy?

Postby Cporosus1 » 20 Jun 2016, 00:09

Hi praty,

I'm no CRS, but it sounds like the fistula might be recurring if you are getting a lot of pain and discharge. It's not 100% (it could just be the last bit getting out), but you DEFINITELY need to see your surgeon immediately. Are you otherwise healthy? Do you have any underlying diseases? Most abscesses are caused by a blocked anal gland, but a small number are also caused by Crohn's disease, diabetes and HIV. IF the fistula is recurring AND you are healthy, then its a simple matter of the surgeon re-doing the surgery (fistulotomy works best- the lay-open technique). You should ask your CRS if he/she was able to find the internal opening of the fistula. Often fistulas will recur if the surgeon was unable to locate the internal opening. It might be a deeper/bigger wound second time, but it should eliminate it permanently. I had a big pen wound after mine and it took 14 weeks to heal BUT, my drainage stopped almost immediately after the surgery and I never had any drainage during the healing process. I DID have some pinching pain when it was at the end of the healing process, and this was from the scar tissue stretching near the anus with bowel movements, etc. and was normal.
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Re: Healing time post fistulotomy?

Postby praty » 20 Jun 2016, 06:57

Hi Cporosus1,

Thanks a lot for the detailed info and sharing your experience.

There is a bit of discharge but I won't say that there is a lot of pain. The surgery (i.e. fistulectomy) was done on the right butt cheek (i.e. where I had the perianal abscess) and the wound was extended till the fistula internal opening just near the anus. The wound itself is okay and still healing. But, this time, there is a bit of pain and swelling more on the left side of the fistula internal opening near the anus. This pains only when it is pressed as it's a very small area at the moment. So, I'm thinking, may be the CRS surgeon didn't see this while operating the right side. Anyway, I've got an appointment and will be visiting my CRS this week.

I am otherwise healthy and haven't had any anal related problem before December last year. I'm off work for almost 5 weeks now and just getting a bit frustrated with all these stuffs. But, I know, its time to keep calm and take it easy.

Thanks a lot.
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Re: Healing time post fistulotomy?

Postby Cbathina » 26 Aug 2016, 15:33

Hello there,
I have had my fictula surgery about 6 weeks ago and am not sure how the healing process is going on. I have had no drainage since the surgery this I believe is because I haven't eaten pulses in any form (as per my mother's suggestion) and have had no pain after the firstu2 weeks. However recently I noticed that the gas formation has been high around a particular time of the day and when it tries to escape and I hold it, i feel the pressure on the wound in the anus as if the gas will come through the track but hasn't is this normal? I understand that this can happen if the abcess has drained on its own leaving the track of fistula open from anus to the outside but is it normal after a surgery? Will it pass through is the track still there? Do I have to consul the doctor again because of this?
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Re: Healing time post fistulotomy?

Postby Sadgirl22 » 29 Sep 2016, 16:12

I know this is kind of an old feed but it's been helpful to me. I am exactly 1 week post surgery that removed a fistula ! I am a 22 year old female just starting out her career as a licensed practical nurse. I Experienced 4 awful abcesses to my left buttocks starting in 2015 and coming like clockwork every 5-6 months.

They were awful, I truly wouldn't wish an abcess like this on my worst enemy. I couldn't walk, change positions or even sleep. If I didn't go to the ER and get it lanced, it would never drain and I would start experiencing symptoms of a blood infection. IV antibiotics for a week and at least a full week or two off work. No one refferred me to a surgeon until my fourth abcess.

They put me on a wait list and called me just under 3 weeks before they wanted to do the surgery. I was so nervous. I cried the night before surgery and tried to hold it together while we did the prep. The scariest part was going under and not knowing what they would find, what the would do or if I'd be cut open when I woke up.

Turns out they found a fistula. Mostly superficial but had to cut a bit of muscle. I really felt no pain the first day or two. Now I go to a home health clinic every morning to have it packed. They have been using a salt packing that stings like a bitch, but I know it's working to fight bacteria prone to that area.

The nurses have taken two sets of pictures and say it looks clean. I can't bring myself to look at the pictures. I can't even get through one of those HH appointments wthout crying. It has a huge impact on my self image and it's hard to have hope for the future.

I am eager to return to my job as I am worried they will give away my line. My surgeon said 3 weeks off, however from what I have read the recovery time is much longer. And returning to normal may take up to half a year or so.

Sometimes I feel really down. I have a boyfriend who has been more supportive and involved than any 22 year old guy should be. He says he will always love me I just get so worried. When will I be able to have sex again ? Will I ever be able to wear a bikini ? This is so hard but I know I have to be strong and healthy my self in the future. I know brighter days are coming I just have to keep pushing forward ....

Thank you so much for listening...

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Re: Healing time post fistulotomy?

Postby billy123 » 06 May 2019, 10:48

Bumping this thread as it's pretty much what I want to ask as well:

I had a fistulotomy about 2 months ago, now its still sore from time to time, I have some good days where there is no pain at all, and some bad days where it's really sore and a bit itchy, especially after I sit for a long time.

I've checked with 2 independent colorectal surgeons at the 4 and 6 week mark (my surgeon was overseas) and both said that it seemed fine and there was no infection or abscess.

How long did you guys experience pain after a fistulotomy? I'm wondering if it is the scar tissue that is causing this recurrent pain.
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Re: Healing time post fistulotomy?

Postby North West Jen » 04 Feb 2020, 09:17

Billy, it’s been several months since you posted. How are you doing now?

I’m 8 days out on LIS and cleaning out old scar tissue from my precious fistula surgery (3 years ago). It was a low fistula in the posterior. I’ve been in a lot of pain from the clearing of scar tissue. Have hardly felt the LIS procedure at all.
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