7 years of softeners and 7 years of a fissure

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Re: 7 years of softeners and 7 years of a fissure

Postby missy moo » 16 Oct 2022, 05:34

Esun and Ada3000
If helping doesn't help maybe try the don't help help haha mite sound strange but we do over think an over control our problems what if our bodies can heal and have been waiting for us to believe it instead of throw stuff at it? Softners, pill, fibers, surgeries, creams, the list goes on. I believe these all have there place in some peoples journals but first give your body a chance. I took softeners for a bit over 8 years to HEAL MY FISSURE well hows that working out for you? It wasn't i was still trapped in the repeated cycle like a roller-coaster but i never put faith in my bodies ability to heal or gave space for it to try heal on its own so when i stopped softeners an started believing my bms were natural, my body is natural, my muscles and bms were made for each other haha we start to think these two are in a fight but they aren't thats just something we keep telling ourselves so nothing changes. Mite sound nuts but I'm proof it works I've had a fissure for 9 years and I've never felt better no surgery, no softners, no fibre. I stopped softners an started believing my body could heal its self then once healing began I started then stopped fiber in favour of eating more fruit an veg for fibre and overall improved my diet. This was after things got better but could be why things have continued to get better I'm not sure but we should help our bodies to heal by not filling it with junk and also believing it can heal it's self.
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Re: 7 years of softeners and 7 years of a fissure

Postby missy moo » 16 Oct 2022, 05:50

We can all heal
Last edited by missy moo on 16 Oct 2022, 05:56, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 7 years of softeners and 7 years of a fissure

Postby missy moo » 16 Oct 2022, 05:52

Also things were difficult for awhile as my muscles relearnt the different types of normal bms. Our muscles need to stretch an each days bms are like needed workouts. If you do want to try stop softners just do it slowly i think i did it over 6wks, i also didn't like pyslum husk because it makes my bms unnaturally big so fiber doesn't work for everyone. I chose to get my fiber in normal amounts from natural sources like fruit an veg. I can now have painless different sizes an textured bms. I still have flear up but alot less often an alot less painful and they last 2 days instead of 2wks. I've met two very inspirational people on here who healed without surgery or softners after like me suffering for years with chronic fissures
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Re: 7 years of softeners and 7 years of a fissure

Postby Ada3000 » 16 Oct 2022, 17:31

Thanks for the kind words and advice. I have come along way and have more good days then bad. I also try and stay away from supplemented fiber for the fact that it bulks. I'm going to take your advice and see how it goes. You give me hope that I will not need surgery.
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Re: 7 years of softeners and 7 years of a fissure

Postby missy moo » 16 Oct 2022, 19:04

Happy to help just know your not alone.
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Re: 7 years of softeners and 7 years of a fissure

Postby AF3 » 18 Oct 2022, 03:01

Ada3000 wrote:I have been trying to heal from a chronic fissure. Sometimes with the help of Miralax I can for up to periods of 2 months with no retear. However randomly I will tear again. I feel like its due to tightness this has me wondering if Miralax is the issue and if I should tough it out and get the muscle to pass larger stools. Also thinking dialators. Really trying to stay postive.

Hi Ada3000, it sounds like you are going through the same thing I am - 1st CRS told me i had a fissure in Mar2022, second one told me I had 2 in June22. I was told that I was almost fully healed when I went back in Sep22 for a follow-up, but since then have had two re-tears since then, which I know has set me back. If I go back to the CRS I know she will suggest Botox, which I don't want, so I'm on here, trying to figure out how to get the fissure healed enough to a level that I can get myself off the Movocil and get the region re-used to more harder and more variable BMs.

The re-tears have come despite me keeping a constant level of Movicol (osmotic laxative) and I think is related to just a little less water or a little less fibre on any one day, than what my gut has now been accustomed to. And that can be very frustrating because it is hard to be perfect and one shouldn't be. I don't know how to break the cycle, but I know that others on here have which means that the rest of us can as well :rainbow:
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Re: 7 years of softeners and 7 years of a fissure

Postby missy moo » 18 Oct 2022, 22:17

What worked for me was stopping softeners an allowing my muscles to stretch naturally day after day. Lis is to relax the muscles an daily stretching relax the muscles even if that's just different bms everyday. You have to be able to handle a variety of bms because we always have a variety of bms period. I can pass harder an or bigger bms now. I actually feel like I've had lis because I'm mostly free these days nothing like what I was. I've been there trust me. Good luck everyone
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Re: 7 years of softeners and 7 years of a fissure

Postby Camry » 24 Feb 2023, 23:51

AF3 wrote:
Ada3000 wrote:I have been trying to heal from a chronic fissure. Sometimes with the help of Miralax I can for up to periods of 2 months with no retear. However randomly I will tear again. I feel like its due to tightness this has me wondering if Miralax is the issue and if I should tough it out and get the muscle to pass larger stools. Also thinking dialators. Really trying to stay postive.

Hi Ada3000, it sounds like you are going through the same thing I am - 1st CRS told me i had a fissure in Mar2022, second one told me I had 2 in June22. I was told that I was almost fully healed when I went back in Sep22 for a follow-up, but since then have had two re-tears since then, which I know has set me back. If I go back to the CRS I know she will suggest Botox, which I don't want, so I'm on here, trying to figure out how to get the fissure healed enough to a level that I can get myself off the Movocil and get the region re-used to more harder and more variable BMs.

The re-tears have come despite me keeping a constant level of Movicol (osmotic laxative) and I think is related to just a little less water or a little less fibre on any one day, than what my gut has now been accustomed to. And that can be very frustrating because it is hard to be perfect and one shouldn't be. I don't know how to break the cycle, but I know that others on here have which means that the rest of us can as well :rainbow:

Hello to all. I share the same story with you guys. Today i had a retear again and a little bleeding when i looked in the water. I feel its that hard to not so hard but a bit sharp tip that is causing it. Have not found a solution even when drinking lots of fluids or watching what i eat. Its really depressing at times.
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Re: 7 years of softeners and 7 years of a fissure

Postby edcantu99 » 26 Feb 2023, 11:16

Have you tried nitroglycerin cream?
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Re: 7 years of softeners and 7 years of a fissure

Postby missy moo » 26 May 2023, 17:29

Feeling better then I have in years

Thought I should come back and update anyone who reads this. I would consider myself 90% healed now not from a cream, surgery or anything outside of me. I worked on myself mostly self-love I learnt to appreciate my body and see no parts as unclean or gross. I learnt to be appreciative of my bum I even thanked it for the first time in my life I started to see it as apart of me I connected with it. If this sounds strange to you that's a sign that you also need to do this haha. It could be what works for you. There's a few things that I believe got me to were I am now.

1. I stopped looking for help outside of myself
2. I stopped seeing others as bigger then me, in terms of giving power to everyone else and seeing myself as being in need of other to save me.
3. I loved myself for the first time inside and out
4. I talked kindly to myself and my body
5. I looked into other people who healed themselves.
6. I started to have gratitude for myself my body an things in my life.
7. I looked after myself, by doing things I loved, taking time out, moving my body, and eating for fuel and healing as well as having little happy treats sometimes.

8. Meditation or just sitting with myself in silence being present.

9. I read a book by Louise Hay called you can heal your life and more recently I've been following and reading books by the medical medium.

I hope everyone finds healing from within as this is the key even if you get surgery still work on yourself to create internal harmony. I decided to write this because I've had alot if people reach out to me over the years and I wanted to give back. For 8 years I had a fissure I got botox twice, heaps of creams, fiber, cut things out of my diet, cried, begged, gave up emotionally a few times, I felt punished and thought my body was broken an didn't work properly why me I asked why is my life like this.

Well I've found its alot to do with our mindset, gratitude, self love, how we feel about ourselves and what we say and think about ourselves and our lives that plays the biggest part in how our bodies do and how our lives play out in general.

Please feel free to reach out. I really hope someone hears this and can heal once and for all. Take care of yourselves. Love to all
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