Could someone explain this please?

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Could someone explain this please?

Postby pjole » 19 Nov 2023, 14:09

2 days ago I got a horrible headache. I took a pain medication and went to sleep. Starting from yesterday up untill today I went to toilet at least 20 times. Each time with diarrhea. I felt dizzy and thought I might pass out due to loss of hydration. If I took water it would immediately go out. As of today I was able to have some quince compot without going to toilet.

But my anal fissure doesn't hurt as of today?! I am currently lying in my bed in peace not really sure what happened?

Has anyone experienced anything like this?
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Re: Could someone explain this please?

Postby pjole » 20 Nov 2023, 10:46

Just informing that the "honeymoon" is over. The pain is back. Nevertheless, I had a great releif for 1 day.

Slept like a baby.
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