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Hi everyone, hope all of you are doing well!

Postby sidra1968 » 18 Nov 2009, 12:02

Nope, I haven't forgotten any of you or how you've all helped me!! Just been working a lot to pay off that LIS and going to a lot of college games..
I still feel really good. In general, wouldn't know I had anything done, other than a little itching now and then after a BM..well, that and the fact that I buy lots of Miralax. To any newbies reading this, I suggest you read through old threads of mine..I went for (actually demanded) LIS very early in this horrific mess known as AF (had it August 4th), and for me it worked out very well. I just didn't want to pussyfoot around, I guess, but that's just my personality.
Sincerely hope all of you are doing OK. I still cringe when I think of the pain, loss of work, etc.
Hey, NG, did UCLA really lose to who was it? Santa Barbara? Thought I heard that on the post-game show while driving home last night. My Illini, even though ranked top 25, had a scare in the early second half last night. I wasn't amused, but the big recruits so far look as good as advertised! I'm preparing for an exciting year, but wouldn't suprise me if we finish with a worse record than last year - the Big Ten should be a powerhouse - and with 3 freshmen running the show practically, I expect a few letdowns.
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Re: Hi everyone, hope all of you are doing well!

Postby NeuropathicGuy » 18 Nov 2009, 12:26

Howdy, yup UCLA took it on the chin against Cal State Fullerton (Cal State Fullerton!!!) in double OT. It was the first game of the marathon. They don't look so hot this year, lost their good players to the draft. I'm not getting my hopes up this year, I still think they'll crack the top 25 at some point but probably won't do much in the NCAA tourney.
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Re: Hi everyone, hope all of you are doing well!

Postby sidra1968 » 18 Nov 2009, 12:36

Hey, you never know, KU almost went down last night. Not that Memphis is bad.
I fear our first big games..Clemson, your Tigers, Gonzaga..well, I'm just gonna enjoy the new guys and know that in a year or two the stars should align for a deep run in the tourney.
How's everything else?
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Re: Hi everyone, hope all of you are doing well!

Postby NeuropathicGuy » 18 Nov 2009, 12:42

Haha it's ok the Tigers tend to be chokers too... Last year was kind of a surprising exception to the rule.
Everything else is ummmm about as good as UCLA :( Been having abdominal pains which led to an incomplete colonoscopy (long story there), and am getting an abdominal and pelvic CT scan in the near future. Also got some issues with blood in my spit which is a nice curveball. Vegas is currently taking wagers on what happens first, I get over my health issues or UCLA wins it all in football :)
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Re: Hi everyone, hope all of you are doing well!

Postby sidra1968 » 18 Nov 2009, 12:48

Man, I sure hope they can figure this all out. Sometimes I think just trying to act like you did before actually helps..seems the more I research stuff, worry, etc., the worse things get healthwise. Maybe get out with friends for one night and DO NOT even allow yourself to even think about health-related things..I know, easier said than done.
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Re: Hi everyone, hope all of you are doing well!

Postby NeuropathicGuy » 18 Nov 2009, 12:56

Yeah I hope so too. At this point I don't know anymore though. It's been so long I can't say I recall what normal felt like anymore. Stupid fissure is back with painful BMs now too but that's the least of my concerns. If I only had the fissure to worry about I'd be ready to pull the trigger on LIS.
On the upside, I did get pretty drunk with friends for a Lakers game a few weeks ago. That was cool while it lasted, I forgot how refreshing beer tastes :) Since I haven't drank in so long, I woke up the next morning feeling like I got hit by a mack truck. But it was worth it I suppose to leave anxiety behind for at least one evening!
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Re: Hi everyone, hope all of you are doing well!

Postby sidra1968 » 18 Nov 2009, 13:04

Just wait till you reach 40..the hangovers REALLY are rough..I did just get a free sample of a supposed hangover preventer called Drinkin' Mate (available at Wal-Mart, believe it or not - you can get the free sample on the Web)..I'm gonna try it out Friday. Well, off to work, talk to you later.
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Re: Hi everyone, hope all of you are doing well!

Postby NeuropathicGuy » 21 Nov 2009, 21:35

So how did Drinkin' Mate go :)
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Re: Hi everyone, hope all of you are doing well!

Postby sidra1968 » 22 Nov 2009, 07:35

So well that I'm still out! Just kidding.
Funny you asked, because I came on here just to tell you. I'd say it worked pretty well and am planning on buying some this week.
I hit it pretty hard..Maker's on the rocks, scotch and water, a glass of wine, two Sin City's, a Stella Artois, German Chocolate Cake shot, and the last one, I honestly don't know what I ordered. All on an empty stomach. Was out from 5:30 till 1..came home and took the Drinkin' Mate (it's a tablet that fizzes in water) and also ate 2 sandwiches..then some more water. Some on the testimonials say they take it 2x, once while out and then another before bed. Will try that next time.
Went to bed around 3 am..woke up at 9 and wasn't feeling near as bad as I should have. Layed back down till 11 (slept on and off) and finally got up. Slight headache and a bit tired, but that's it. Watched football and went to work 5-11. No "feeling like I got hit by a mack truck", which was great.
I'm claiming it a suprising success as that was the hardest I hit it in a really long time, and I felt better than times I take it easy anymore. True test will be Thursday, Thansgiving at my sisters and the drinks there. I will only probably have 2 glasses of wine and 2 hot buttered rums..want to see if this stuff works after a night like that, which is more normal for me now. Unfortunately, even a modest night like that (with a meal and everything), can still hurt the next day since the big 4-0.
Will be great for vacations and tailgating if it works as well as I thought..more tests to come. But I'd have to say as of now, I thought it did definitely help and plan on buying more today (I have a $2 coupon that they sent, making 4 tablets $3.97). Worth a shot (no pun intended).
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Re: Hi everyone, hope all of you are doing well!

Postby cherylk » 22 Nov 2009, 08:28

Do you have a recipe for hot buttered rum? I bought some rum to make a cake, but could use it to make drinks also! Image If you don't have one, I could try googling for the recipe. Thanks in advance for anything you might send my way.
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