Wondered how everyone was doing? And your experiences?

Are you having, or have you had a Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS)? Please share your experiences here, or ask any questions.

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Wondered how everyone was doing? And your experiences?

Postby banjobuddy » 26 Dec 2016, 10:19

I'm intending to see my old CRS as soon as I can after Christmas to persuade her or one of her colleagues to recommend me for LIS. As I've mentioned before, I've had rectal/anal issues for around 20 years now, with varying levels of severity. I really do think enough is enough and even if it means several months of pain and anxiety, I'm willing to take that route, not just for me, but for my family as well. I've not always been available for my 6-year-old and have to rely on my wife for things like holidays, although I do regularly take my daughter to and from school.

I'm sure you'll think I'm paranoid, but I'm worried about the anaesthetic if I get to go through with this. I worry I'll conk out mid-op. Okay, I know I'm daft. I was actually sedated for a colonoscopy a couple of years ago. I just just didn't realise sedate meant knocking me out lol! I thought it meant being a bit drowsy! Anyhow, that's why I opted for a local anaesthetic with my hernia operation about 18 months ago. That's one good thing, I'm not an operation virgin and have been through the whole gown, flight socks, waiting experience - not too much fun but bearable. Incidentally, hernia ops can hurt like hell too for a while.

I am digressing a bit though. I just wondered how everyone was doing post-operation? I'd be interested to hear from those who've had it recently or those who underwent the LIS a while ago. I desperately want my life back before I'm too old to enjoy it (I'm 55 now).

Also, are there things that you can do now after the LIS, which you'd never have dreamed of doing during the fissure problems? I need as many hopeful comments as possible, as I'm getting quite nervous for the year ahead, feeling it's a now or never situation.
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Re: Wondered how everyone was doing? And your experiences?

Postby getmylifeback » 07 Jan 2017, 14:42

Hello Banjobuddy,

I too have been dealing with Anal problems (hemmies and fissures) for my adult life and I am planning to see my CRS in a few weeks to get the LIS. For the same reasons as you, i think the pain and anxiety and possible complications is a small price for the high possibility of getting your life back for you and your family. I look forward to hearing your journey as i will be going through my own soon. Good luck to you and thank god for this forum.
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Re: Wondered how everyone was doing? And your experiences?

Postby banjobuddy » 07 Jan 2017, 19:31


I'm seeing my old CRS on Monday and hope to discuss all my options with her. Although I'm seeing her privately, if I need surgery, it'll have to be on the NHS, because financially I'm not in a position to go private with an operation unfortunately. If it was up to me, I'd probably opt for a colostomy, even though the thought of it scares me a fair bit. It's very unlikely I'd be offered it, though. The thing I miss most about my long struggle with rectal issues is the ability to just pretty much eat anything I like. I used to be a normal weight, now I'm really food-phobic and find it hard to get the calories in. For me it's as much of a mental battle as it is physical, although the two very much go hand in hand.

I'm sorry to hear you're also struggling with similar issues. I just hope we can find decent solutions shortly. I don't consider myself a particularly weak-willed person in other respects, but this really is getting the better of me. Ditto what you say about this forum - it's very nice to have such good support from people who've been there and going through similar struggles. Very best of luck with your progress!
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Re: Wondered how everyone was doing? And your experiences?

Postby Buttpalsteven » 08 Jan 2017, 09:50

HI Banjobuddy,

I had LIS in August. Recovery was a process but now that it has been 5 months I am better than I ever remember being. I can have a bowel movement without thinking about it - which if you suffer from a fissure like I did - every bowel movement (although not always painful) took work. I couldn't be happier with my decision to have the LIS.
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Re: Wondered how everyone was doing? And your experiences?

Postby getmylifeback » 08 Jan 2017, 09:55

Hey Steven,

Does it seem easier, meaning do you strain less to "push" the BM out after the LIS? I feel like tightness seem to be the problem for me thats causing me to strain and keep retearing? Im thinking the general tightness in the area may be from the internal sphincter
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Re: Wondered how everyone was doing? And your experiences?

Postby Buttpalsteven » 08 Jan 2017, 10:18


Your issue seems similar to what I was feeling. Before LIS, I was having to strain with BM due to my fissure. I thought maybe that was normal or maybe a less than perfect diet or maybe just a tight butt as you might have. I honestly hardly ever strain or have to push anymore with BM. I sit down and go.. I don't remember being like that before my fissure days either (but that was a long time ago). I don't think everyone gets as lucky as I did with the surgery but I'm confident you will appreciate the new normal after the surgery! Much less straining. If you are suffering like I did, I truly hope you get the LIS. It will turn your life around for the better!
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