by thatpinoydude » 15 Jun 2016, 07:45
Hello. I just had hemorrhoidectomy, PPH, polypectomy and LIS done and 4 days post op.
Currentlt no bleeding (only bit of smudge), minimal pain and normal BM.
Just remember to keep your stool soft (i take movical 2 sachets at night), lots of fruits especially papaya, baked veggies, yogurt, 3L of water a day, and stay away from red meat! Stick with fish and poultry (minimal) if you can. I also take turmeric supplement, very good anti inflammatory and anti cancer agents, Rutin supplement as vasodilator, mangosteen supplement, moringa supplement, and b-complex.
Also do 10 mins light walk after meals, this should help with digestion a bit. Sitz bath with betadine drops after BM, then apply betadine ointment to disinfect the perianal area.
May sound like a dietician but i swear ive engorged on burgers and steaks and soda my whole life and i can 100% say that's what ended me here in this operation.
I hope you will have a smooth recovery! Praying for you all