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Re: What I dont get is WHY this happened!

Postby Fissulyna » 29 Mar 2010, 00:01

Be careful with soy milk if you are on thyroid medication !!!Estrogen adheres to the same kind of protein that carries thyroid hormone and can compete for the site and thus make less of your med absorbed and available !!!! Since Soy has phyto-estrogens it possibly can work the same way !
Soy milk is not a healthy product anyway, unlike toffu and such since soy-milk is industrial byproduct of soy preparation. You might want to do some reading on the net before you become regular consumer of it - I know I would not drink it ... so just wanted to share :roll:
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Re: What I dont get is WHY this happened!

Postby StevePain » 29 Mar 2010, 02:39

I'm positive it's diet related with me, I can recall years and years of bad toilet habits, I could eat anything and everything (if only I knew what was lying ahead!!) some days I never even went for a BM, infact sometimes I only went once a week and that was only a bit, something should of registered back then, why was I only going once a week with very little output when I was putting so much in? Back then though, I didn't have a$$ issues so there was no worry or concern, even if I went for a BM and it was difficult to pass I still didn't have any pain, a totally different story now, I guess it's all that pushing and straining from long ago and the bad diet that has contributed to my AF :(
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Re: What I dont get is WHY this happened!

Postby cherylk » 29 Mar 2010, 05:53

Yes, pushing and straining is very bad, but we all learn as we go along. You're not alone in that regard!! I used to mark it on the calendar when I had a bm because I'd forget when I did it--used to often be every other day--now it's every day and sometimes multiple times during the day!! :roll:
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Re: What I dont get is WHY this happened!

Postby Fissulyna » 29 Mar 2010, 20:39

I was never constipated in my life !!!
I had 1-2 BMs every day.
I always had very healthy diet (Mediterranean - lost of fruits and veggies, chicken, fish, occasional lamb or pork - never fried anything - except pork-chops . On the plate always 2/3 veggies, and 1/3 meat + salad on the side). Consumed alcohol maybe one glass of vine a week - if even that, just was not "my thing".
It took one stupid mistake of pushing too hard in the public restroom - I could not relax my muscle due to too much noise but really decided "to go" and pushed - and - KA_BOOMMMM !!!! Fissure was formed .... Image Image Image
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Re: What I dont get is WHY this happened!

Postby Guest » 30 Mar 2010, 06:18

Yes I don't have hard BM's either very rarely to have to strain, etc. to let it out...

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