Surgery on 3/30

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Re: Surgery on 3/30

Postby dee » 31 Mar 2010, 14:26

so glad to hear such a happy post-surgical post! i go for a consult on monday and i'm totally looking forward to the possibility of ending this page of my history--keep us informed and congratulations on your success!!!
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Re: Surgery on 3/30

Postby Fissulyna » 31 Mar 2010, 15:26

CONGRATS BRITT !!!! Image Image Image
Yeap - stay on top of the pain !!!!!
I continued to use long soaks in a bath-tub and I am convinced that they are essential for the fast healing.
Took 4 , 20 min long soaks a day for 8 weeks . My CRS told me that I was lucky to be able to do that since persons who work can not and that my fast healing was highly enhanced by my regular soaks LOL and also by me keeping it immaculately clean.
After the BM, I would have a soak and than examine my butt for cleanliness on the mirror. Than I used q-tip to clean the area of any excretion from the wound which you sometimes can not see due to the "coloration" of the anus as well as many folds present. I would dip the q-tip in the Balneol cream or Chamomile and gently clean the area using as many q-tips as needed until they were coming off "white" .
Than let the butt air-dry LOL and relax : ))) !
Best wishes for fast and forever cleaning !!!! Image
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Re: Surgery on 3/30

Postby just_brit_yaaay » 03 Apr 2010, 12:19

so, its Sat...and its Easter tomorrow..I'm thinking I feel well enough to go over to my Aunts for Easter. yay! I'm liking the new meds they gave me (Ultracet) way better than the perc. they had me on, doesn't make me feel as out of it. so THATS good. I'm going back to work on Monday...and see how it goes, if i feel icky i can always go home early. Ive been doing the soaks 4 times a day and loving them, definitly the highlight of my day. haha. I'm going to try to take myself of the pain meds today or tomorrow. I'm sure I'll do fine on just Ibuprofin. I had my first BM yesterday and had NO pain with it!!!!!!!!!!! First time in 6 months I didn't cry while going potty....VERY exciting!!!
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Re: Surgery on 3/30

Postby Fissulyna » 03 Apr 2010, 12:41

TRIPLE YEAAAAAAYYYYY from me Image Image Image !!!!!
I am so incredibly happy for you and thank you soooooo much for posting about your success since it will give hope to so many that are afraid to have LIS or wonder if it helps Image Image Image
Have the most wonderful time with your family tomorrow Image !!!!
PS: Please stay on your nice diet for about 8 more months : ))) and take those nice soaks for about 8 weeks Image BEST OF LUCK WITH EVERYTHING Image Image Image
And - bring to work Balneol lotion so you can use it to clean yourself if you need to go yo the bathroom. You can find it in many drugstores - ask for it since is very tiny bottle and hard to spot Image ! Just put some on the toilet paper and gently wipe, or you might put some on baby-wipe and use it together. I just LOVED it since it made wipe "glide" over the butt as a silk Image. At home, of course , always use shower and soaks Image !!!!
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Re: Surgery on 3/30

Postby NeuropathicGuy » 03 Apr 2010, 20:29

Brit that's awesome news :) Just curuious, did you have any blood with the post-up BM?
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Re: Surgery on 3/30

Postby just_brit_yaaay » 03 Apr 2010, 21:09

There was no blood at first...but today i tried to wipe..THAT was a im just gonna stick with the showers right after and should be fine. At first I thought i might have split my stitches but, i dont think thats the case. I need to remember i need to be gentle for quite awhile. Im still doing the soft foods diet (jello, pudding...etc) and that makes a BIG difference as kinda tempted to eat only jello for the rest of my life :"> but ya. I would recommend the surgery to ANYone.
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Re: Surgery on 3/30

Postby cherylk » 04 Apr 2010, 06:55

Thanks for continuing to post as there are a few people here just about ready to take the plunge, and it is always nice to talk to someone who has recently undergone the very same thing that one is contemplating. I wish continued good and smooth healing for you. Just a suggestion--cotton balls with Balneol worked great for me when I had my AF!
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How's the recovery coming along?

Postby mrfissure » 11 Apr 2010, 11:31

Hi Brit,
Just wondering how you're coming along now that a few more days have gone by since your surgery. In your last posts you sounded pretty positive but were still not completely back to normal. Are you still having any symptoms? Hope you're well on the way to complete recovery....
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Re: Surgery on 3/30

Postby just_brit_yaaay » 11 Apr 2010, 22:03

I'm feeling great, thanks for asking...I have no pain whatsoever.
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Re: Surgery on 3/30

Postby cherylk » 12 Apr 2010, 06:46

Wonderful, Brittany!!
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