Good luck tomorrow SummerGal!!!

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Re: Good luck tomorrow SummerGal!!!

Postby SummerGal » 26 Oct 2011, 20:50

That's great to hear Hope!! It's also encouraging for me, that maybe I need to be patient and just give it time. I will knock on wood for you that things continue forward positively for you!! I bet you a relieved now!
I have noticed that my bleeding is a bit better too. I used to have some drip in the toilet as well as on the TP, now it's just on the TP and a few times I didn't have any.
The gas has gotten better in the last few weeks after my breakdown about it. I was so scared it was a permanent thing, but I did some Kegel exercises, and in addition I think time has been healing. Lately I only have a little problem with gas issues, if I cough hard or do a weird position or something like that, but before I had it a lot just whenever! UGH! I noticed like you that the tone of the gas has gotten more back to normal rather than that airy weak sound it did after surgery, where you could tell the muscles weren't too tight or healed yet.
Sometimes I have some itching where the fistula opening was on my left cheek (not the opening near the anus). I hope this isn't a bad sign. Today I am a little panicky since I see a tiny little bump about an inch or so away from the original abcess site on my cheek. It's like a small pimple or something. I hope it's not the fistula having a problem or a new area having a problem. Keep your fingers crossed for me that it's just a normal little thing and nothing bad.
My gastro doc had called my CRS to ask about the bleeding and get his take on why I had so many issues (hemorroid,skin tag, fistula). She called and left a message that she had spoken with the CRS, but when I called back she didn't call me back. So now I have to wait another day to see if the CRS was concerned. UGH!
Thanks for sharing the info Hope. It really makes sense that the hemorroid and just weak tissue would bleed easily, so I know it will keep progressing right. Happy news for you!! I will let you know what my doc says tomorrow.Have a great night!
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Re: Good luck tomorrow SummerGal!!!

Postby val » 27 Oct 2011, 01:16

Image Image Image I'm so very pleased for you Hope, you deserve some good luck and good news! Hope this is the end of all your butt problems forever xx
Summer - I hope that isn't a new fistula, keeping my fingers crossed for you! Glad the bleeding has settled down somewhat - that's good news! I have a lot of itching and irritation around the fistula site, nearly 5 months later, so maybe it's normal? Image Image
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Re: Good luck tomorrow SummerGal!!!

Postby Deleted User 579 » 27 Oct 2011, 08:29

Thanks so much, guys! I am really relieved.
Thanks for your kind words, Val. You always make me feel hugged! :D
Summergal, I'm also glad the bleeding has settled down. That does sound like good news. It's also great news that the gas situation is improving. I'm sure that will get even better with more time. I'm also keeping my fingers crossed for you: let the little bump be nothing at all and let your docs tell you that everything is ok! And let the game of telephone-tag with your doctors end in a victory for you! I'll be thinking about you today and sending many good vibes in your direction. Please let us know what your docs say. Image
Deleted User 579

Re: Good luck tomorrow SummerGal!!!

Postby SummerGal » 27 Oct 2011, 14:28

I called my gastro. doc today and they said the CRS wanted to see me about the bleeding. GULP! So the CRS had a cancellation today, and he was about to get me in this morning. It went pretty well in general. He said the surgery site and fistula in general were healing nicely.
In regards to the itching and bleeding, he thinks it's from a small tear (I guess a fissure??) and that my skin is all irritated. I had a small fissure pre-surgery, but for some reason I guess he didn't decide to do surgery on it, maybe because I had so many other things going on. lol It is fairly mild though, and doesn't bother me much like a lot of other peoples' experiences on here. Hopefully it won't become a bigger issue. He didn't say the word fissure today, just a small tear or crack in the skin, something like that.
He thinks part of the itching is due to the fact that I was still using a saline spray on my gauze...oops! I assumed that was a helpful cleaning thing that I should keep doing since I had bleeding, but apparently that is not good to keep doing for a long time since the moistness can cause irritation, etc. in that area. He told me to quit with the spray and keep the area dry and he gave me some cream to relieve the itching. I also have psoriasis on my rear end, so he thinks that might be causing irritation too. All in all, he said the surgery areas were pretty good. He did that dreaded nitro stuff again that burns and hurts my butt for a few days. Anyone know what that does exactly and why it hurts?
As far as the little red bump, he said that is nothing, just an irritated hair follicle or something on my cheek. I was relieved about that for sure. I am so paranoid I will get another abcess again one day.
Soooo I am pretty pleased with how things went, and relieved he isn't hauling me back into surgery or anything like that. lol
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Re: Good luck tomorrow SummerGal!!!

Postby PaulsPain » 27 Oct 2011, 15:59

He is probably using Silver Nitrate to chemically cauterize the wound to renew the area to help healing. It helps remove over-granulation of tissue.
So that is why it hurts and burns. My abscess cavity/fistula was packed with this stuff when it wouldn't stop bleeding to cauterize whatever vessel was open. My rear felt like it was on fire for days afterwards......
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Re: Good luck tomorrow SummerGal!!!

Postby Deleted User 579 » 27 Oct 2011, 18:46

Yay, Summergal!! Image Image
That's wonderful news! I'm so happy for you! I think Paulpain is right that you got some silver nitrate on the butt. Docs do that to the wounds sometimes to assist with with healing. And I also think that you'll find stopping the saline spray will make a big difference. Keeping the butt clean and dry seems to be the key to good healing, according to the experiences of the folks here.
I'm so glad everything went well and that your doc says you are healing well. You must feel so relieved. I hope you are having a great evening. :D I'm doing a happy dance for you. :D Image
Deleted User 579

Re: Good luck tomorrow SummerGal!!!

Postby SummerGal » 28 Oct 2011, 18:10

LOL@the happy dance icon, Hope. That made me giggle. Nice hot pants! lol
Thanks for the info Paul and Hope. Yeah, I am still sore today from that silver nitrate. It feels like it burned away a layer of skin. I use a 4x4 gauze and notice some gooky stuff on it that wasn't there pre-nitrate. Yuck! I guess that's the bad tissue sloughing off or something. I am relieved he said it wasn't serious, but bummed to be in some pain again (not too bad today though), since I was feeling really good pre-appointment, except for some itching. But, I guess Dr. knows best! I hope this does the trick!
Hope, I guess we are still on track for a good holiday season all in all. Let's keep our fingers crossed (and toes) some more! Glad we both had a pretty good week with our news!
Have a good weekend everyone!
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Re: Good luck tomorrow SummerGal!!!

Postby Deleted User 579 » 29 Oct 2011, 15:37

Aw, Summergal, I'm sorry your bum is sore again. Image
I hope you're feeling better today. I think your right that the 'gooky' stuff is probably the tissue sloughing off. I had some gooky stuff for a while too, but it stopped. I'm sure that the treatment you got will help with the healing.
It does look like we are well on track for a wonderful holiday season. I'll keep all cross-able body parts crossed for both of us! (I can do that now that I'm getting older :D )
Deleted User 579

Re: Good luck tomorrow SummerGal!!!

Postby BLVG1968 » 30 Oct 2011, 14:35

Hi to Summergal and to other posters! Glad to have found this site even if its a bit late unfortunately. I read here that the stool softening regimen is better started pre-surgery. Wished I've done that. I got my fistulectomy last Tuesday and having a terrible time dealing with pain related to bowel movement. Had a very painful first movement last Friday but the second one is proving even more painful and I'm out of my wits! Lol.
I still don't have a laxative and diet regimen that works for me at this point. Just took one dose of Miralax and my painkiller and praying i'll survive the next painful bout. Image
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Re: Good luck tomorrow SummerGal!!!

Postby SummerGal » 30 Oct 2011, 20:00

I am sorry you are having a hard time BLVG. I remember those days after surgery and it could be a bit miserable. I too had problem with bowel movements. Drink LOTS of water throughout the day. I took Milk of Magnesia too when things got too difficult. That helped with my bowel movements. I started feeling a lot better after a couple of weeks (I also had a hemorroid surgery, skin tag removed, in addition to the fistula surgery), so hang in there, you will be feeling better before you know it.
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