Anyone had an anal skin tag removed?

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Anyone had an anal skin tag removed?

Postby skintagguy » 01 Nov 2011, 15:58

Hi everyone i'm new here so should intorduce myself.
Im Will I am a 24 year old male from the uk.
I do not have an anal fissure as such so i apologise if I am in the wrong place.
I am considering having an anal skin tag removed as it has been bothering me for some time and has grown in size, I am embarassed about it and just want it removed!
I am going to book a doctors appointment and hopefully get recommended to a specialist, has anyone got theirs removed on the nhs? is it something they do on the nhs? I know regular skin tags are considered cosmetic but what about anal tags?
How was your recovery? are you pleased with the results? I am curious to hear from people, thanks.
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Re: Anyone had an anal skin tag removed?

Postby Sue1962 » 05 Nov 2011, 10:47

Dawn did and a few others
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Re: Anyone had an anal skin tag removed?

Postby Layla85 » 02 Jan 2012, 14:48

I'm from the UK too and have a skin tag(attached to a fissure). Unfortunately skin tags including anal ones) are considered to be cosmetic so you would have to pay to get it removed. However if its painful or uncomfortable and its growing I see no reason why your doctor would not refer you to someone to get it done on the nhs. You might have to be a bit pushy about it. If I were you I would tell your doc its causing you a lot of discomfort rather than embarrassing you as you will probably get a speech (as I did) about how tags are normal, everyone has them blah blah blah :roll: If you do have to pay I would absolutely go down the route of private CRS rather than cosmetic doctor. You want someone who knows what they're doing down there!
Mine has yet to be removed but I'm hoping that it will be when I have surgery (it's incredibly painful and like yours growing). From what I've read its pretty painful recovery and you have to be very careful that the area doesn't get infected. I'd search skin tag removal on this site and do some research :)
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Re: Anyone had an anal skin tag removed?

Postby workingonit » 16 Jan 2012, 18:43

I had an skin tag/sentinel removed over a year ago. It would get sore at times and bothered me. I thought it was an external hemorrhoid at the time, and the crs I had at the time was not very informative. I had to pay for it myself ($700). I now have a chronic fissure at the same location. So I wonder if the scar tissue lead to the fissure... It is a question I will be asking my new CRS when I see him this week. So in hind site I wish I had left it alone.
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Re: Anyone had an anal skin tag removed?

Postby Sue1962 » 16 Jan 2012, 21:30

There are many threads on here about skin tag removal. I will try to find them.
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Re: Anyone had an anal skin tag removed?

Postby yup » 29 May 2012, 19:59

sorry...i know this is a very late response..but i wanted to let you know that i had a skin tag removed 3 weeks ago. i was sedated and don't remember a thing! i had very little pain post-op, and and this point, i hardly can even tell that i had anything done. it was a great decision that i would make again in a heartbeat!
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Re: Anyone had an anal skin tag removed?

Postby workingonit » 30 May 2012, 07:50

Hey Yup,
That's great that it worked so well for you! Don't let your fiber diet slip like I did! Image
I had mine shrunk by a TCM about a week and a half ago. Still a wee bit tender from time to time, but I think this worked better for me than the cutting off like I had last time.
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Re: Anyone had an anal skin tag removed?

Postby Lmw31 » 30 May 2012, 14:40

Hi, I'm from the uk & also having a skin tag removed in 3 weeks time although I am lucky enough to have private health care through work, good to read about people's experiences, I just hope mine is plain sailing, very worried. Hope your doc is more understanding than mine, she didn't want to help at all until I mentioned I had private hc, like someone else mentioned prob best to say it causes you problems, hygiene etc instead of just embarrassment. Look forward to hearing how you get on.
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Re: Anyone had an anal skin tag removed?

Postby chrissyx64 » 05 Aug 2012, 06:10

My doctor wouldn't offer me any treatment on the NHS for my anal skin tag. I tried a number of things including tieing,also cider vinegar and whitch hazel both really burnt! In the end I bought some silicone gel from Boots chemist which is normally used to reduce scars. A week and a half in and my anal skin tag has drastically reduced in size.
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