7 weeks post-op and new here

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7 weeks post-op and new here

Postby Let'sHope » 29 Dec 2011, 17:49

Hello all! I found this forum because I'm seven weeks post-op from my LIS and still not as thrilled as I thought I would be with the results. Just looking to share my experience and find some folks who are in the same boat to commiserate a bit :) My background: I'm a very active 40 year old male who has always been proud of his "cast iron" stomach. I appreciate fine food and spirits and have always been able to indulge myself without worrying because I have a great metabolism and am very regular with my movements. 2 in the morning and one at night if you must know the details Image I also love HOT and spicy food! Never had a problem with digestion, hemmorhoids, etc. until about 18 months ago. First I got a hemmorhoid and thought, "geez - I'm finally starting to show my age." Then eleven months ago while on vacation I had a spectacular night of debauchery, got a bit dehydrated and constipated, and then made the mistake of rushing and pushing way too hard because everyone was headed to the beach, they were waiting on me, and I was sitting there on the pot. To make a long story short, let's just say that I have a new respect for all of you Moms out there Image I healed up initially on my own, had an ok spring, but then the most painful and miserable summer! I went from lifting heavy weights 6 days a week to barely being able to finish 10 minutes on the recumbent bike twice a week. I was scared to eat and not working out so I shed 15 pounds quickly. I finally got an appointment with an outstanding CR surgeon in August and she examined me and yes - I had a very deep fissure. By October I was back at the CR's office and demanding surgery ASAP - I was going crazy with pain, sitting on hot rolled up wash cloths at my desk all day (thankfully I work from home Image ) and spending all night doubled over in pain. My surgery was in November 2011, 7 weeks ago. The actual surgery experience was a breeze! It was under GA and I was in and out in 3 hours, and had my first BM soon after arriving home. I must admit I was terrified, but there was no pain as I was still doped up. And thankfully I had started on 3 doses of Metamucil a day a week prior. I took it easy for a week - no alcohol, no red meat, fried foods, absolutely no acidic foods or spice. I was expcting to be 100% and back to the gym in 3 weeks (like after my appendix) ...but I guess that was totally unrealistic.
I will state unequivocally that I am much, much happier than before the LIS but I still have a lot of tenderness and a few scattered spasms. Nothing like before, but still enough to cramp my style. I'm doing very light weights twice a week if my body allows. At 3 weeks post-op my CR removed a stitch that was irritating me. That made a difference for sure, but pain and irritation have crept back. There has been zero blood but I'm still experiencing a slight discharge every day. Maybe 4-5 drops. I'm really getting impatient because I'm going on vacation somewhere warm in a week and I want to be active! Not to mention that my body isn't quite as bathing suit-ready as I'd like!! Any advice for me?
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Re: 7 weeks post-op and new here

Postby Tim » 29 Dec 2011, 18:58

You sound a lot like me (although I'm 30). I was in the shape of my life at 190lbs. and worked out almost daily. Same situation as you, drank too much and ate some mexican food (I think it was the nachos = sharp) and gave birth. Suffered from Memorial day weekend until Sept. 23rd, trying every conservative measure known to mankind, lost 30 pounds and finally had LIS. After that, the passing of nails and subsequent spasm, burn, monkey wrench in my rear feeling dissappeared. I got married 3 weeks after my LIS and went on my honeymoon 2 days later. I can relate to being nervous and wanting to feel 100% for a vacation. I enjoyed myself but a fissure-sufferer rarely forgets. I was careful but over did it a few times in the gym while on my honeymoon and suffered a slight set-back.
Here I am today, 3 months post-op and I'm 70% healed...so says the CRS. I still get some odd feelings and prickly sensations to let me know he's still with me but overall much better. I'm just hoping to get to 100% over the winter months so I can start running/lifting again. Haven't touched a weight in 5 months and not a run since 09/23. It's been detrimental to my mental status but I'm Irish and we just deal. I'm also an avid dirtbiker and motorcyclist and that all ceased this year. This year, I turned 30, got married...all with a fissure. One of the best years of my life but shadowed buy a slice in my butt. Depressed, you bet...but it's made me appreciate the small stuff and I've still got it better than many people out there. Be as patient as possible, it's a long road. Sorry you are still suffering whether it be more mentally than physically at this point. The leakage goes away and hopefully the damn fissure does as well! Keep the high fiber diet, drink lots of water....it's not a phase but a lifestyle change at this point. None of us want to go back to pre-LIS days and keeping yourself in check is the only way.
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