is Blood always a bad sign?

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is Blood always a bad sign?

Postby SunshineHope » 28 Oct 2007, 00:10

Hi everyone! I really should know the answer to this now, but it's a question I've been exploring for a while and have never really been 100% sure of.
Some people on the forum feel that bleeding is a normal part of having a fissure, and that it doesn't necessarily imply a re-tear... Others have expressed that blood is definitely a bad sign.. But does blood necessarily imply a re-tear?
I think most people I've asked have agreed that a little bit of blood doesn't usually imply a re-tear... And people usually say that bright red blood indicates a tear. But I am a bit confused. I saw some blood this time, more than usual, although it wasn't bright red and I had a bit of a painful BM after a weekend away. I wonder if anyone really knows what the blood means and whether a fissure has been torn again or not!
Hmm what do you guys think?
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Re: is Blood always a bad sign?

Postby Deleted User 5 » 28 Oct 2007, 07:09

The blood will be bright red regardless of whether its a retear or not.
Was the blood you saw dark, approaching black or brown.
I bled after my LIS and during the time I was healing, though it was not much more than a light smear on the TP..
Deleted User 5

Re: is Blood always a bad sign?

Postby Guest » 28 Oct 2007, 08:33

Blood does indicate that something has rubbed the surface enough that blood could escape but that area is so richly vascularized that it could be a very small injury to the tissue and you can still get some bleeding.
I try to take things that strengthen capillary health like vitamin c, rutin, and a vein formula that has things like Hawthorne berries, Butcher's broom, Japanese Sophora etc. (I really like Sit Easy from and diosimin/hesperdin. I am not saying to run out and take all this stuff but you might try adding one and see if it helps. I know a doctor who tells everyone with hemorrhoid problems to take rutin to strengthen the veins.
I also take an enzyme that is supposed to be a clot buster called serrapatase. You can also take nattozines which will do the same thing. (Now, this is for hemorrhoid issues which I am trying to avoid a repeat of so I don't know that it would be appropriate for fissures).

Re: is Blood always a bad sign?

Postby happyass » 28 Oct 2007, 11:12

i per say would call it on an individual basis on whether it would be bad or not.
i have had my share of bleeding and well i still do.
the past bleeding i believe was a combination of my fissure and the skin tag or external hemmy that is at the base of my where the stretchy skin is of the anus before it gets inside. i don't know if that makes sense.
yesterday i had a large BM and i must have stretched the skin tag/hemmy and a nice burst of blood was present. i think there was a hemmy by the skin tag and then the skin tag. the skin tag is still there but the little bubble hemmy wasn't.
but i am not in any pain or anything.
lecia, i think you have a Ph.D. in hemmies! :-)
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Re: is Blood always a bad sign?

Postby Guest » 28 Oct 2007, 13:16

lecia, i think you have a Ph.D. in hemmies! :-)
Dang, I should by now!!!!Image

Re: is Blood always a bad sign?

Postby SunshineHope » 28 Oct 2007, 23:38

Aah, yeah. I'd like to believe lots of new blood does not imply a retear, unless extensive pain is witnessed even well after the incident...... The blood is never really dark red, it was only dark red when I initially had the fissure.. Now if I ever bleed it's much lighter. Just trying to figure out if I had a set back or not. Aah well!
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Re: is Blood always a bad sign?

Postby buttgirl » 29 Oct 2007, 10:01

I also think blood depend on the person. I NEVER bled EXCEPT when I had a retear...OK I take that back, I bled for about a week after I had the surgery (the one where the abscess was drained and I was cut from the outside the length of the canal down to the muscle). It took about a week for the abscess to drain and stop mucousing and bleeding.

In general, though, I am not a bleeder. Others though seem quite different
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