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Postby val » 28 Oct 2007, 12:09

does it mean that the fissure is healing if it itches unbearably. It seems worse after using the diltiazem, so could it be that? Its driving me up the wall!!! :( :!@:
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Postby Deleted User 5 » 28 Oct 2007, 12:55

The only time I got that unbearable itch was, yes, when I was healing.
I can't say for sure, Val, but I'm willing to bet it is indeed a healing itch. Is your pain better, especially over the past several days?
Deleted User 5


Postby val » 28 Oct 2007, 15:46

We went to a barn dance last night and I actually managed to dance! but I've been in pain all day. The last time the pain was this bad was 2 weeks ago, so I imagine it is getting better, because there are more good days than bad now(touch wood!) I suppose now I've said that, it will get worse! Even on good days, it still hurts, but not like it did do. I didn't take any painkillers this morning, so I'm wondering if thats why it was a bad day, but I get a bit worried keep taking all these medicines long term, its been nearly 5 months and I take them like sweeties! How long were you on the painkillers etc.?
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Postby happyass » 28 Oct 2007, 15:55

i've never been on painkillers or those creams.
however, i would recommend for the itch any over the counter cream that is good for jock itch if you can get it. here in the USA there are two OTC creams - tinactin and clotrimazol.
applying this will help ease with the itch and over a couple of days, get rid of it.
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Postby Guest » 28 Oct 2007, 16:22

I have taken painkillers on and off for 5 years.


Postby Deleted User 5 » 28 Oct 2007, 16:29

A little talc paowder apllied to the site will dry it and should help the itch. It is what I used when I had it. It really helped me..
Deleted User 5


Postby val » 29 Oct 2007, 11:41

thanks, I know the pain was bad and I'm so glad to not be in so much pain but I' m going CRAZY!!!!
Wow Lecia, thats a long time on painkillers. Do you think they're harmful or is it not really something to worry about? Its like the valium, I still take it every night, but I'm not sure I should be. Although I'd rather take it forever than go back to those pain days again!
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Postby Guest » 29 Oct 2007, 11:58

Well, I am not thrilled that I have been on painkillers for so long on and off but such is the beast of chronic pain. I am quite conservative in how much I take but I have to be able to control my pain and not have it control me.
My doctor said she would rather me be use what I need than to have my life robbed of any semblance of normacly. And she trusts my judgement because most often I undermedicate.
I suppose there are health risks but there is also a risk to living the rest of my life with depression, hopelessness and despair and that is no life at all.


Postby SunshineHope » 29 Oct 2007, 14:56

I have the itch on and off between all my retear adventures. I'm usually SOMEWHAT thankful when I get the itch because I feel it only comes when I'm actually healing... (Even though the itch drives me more mad than any of the fissure pain I've EVER had:)). I've used lots of stuff to calm it. Usually it's my skin tag that irritates me the most. Something that has helped is Gold Bond medicated powder. Some of the ingredients leave you with a very cool, calm bum after a while. Not sure if it would have any effect on the fissure though...
Sometimes when I'm really desperate or when things are going a little haywire, I'll apply some vaseline on the area because for some reason, that calms things down for me. My doctor has said that my skin down there has lightened so much because of all the vaseline I've been using since my bum problems have started! hehe.
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Postby Deleted User 5 » 29 Oct 2007, 15:00

That is news to me Sunshine, I didn't know vaseline would lighten the skin color!!
Deleted User 5

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