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Postby val » 29 Oct 2007, 15:58

Is goldbond something only available in the States, Sunshine? We don't have anything here, we're still in the stone age!
Lecia, when you say you've ben on painkillers on and off, whats the longest you've taken them non-stop? I'm just a bit worried that I'm taking paracetamol, ibruprofen and valium every day, all day(not the valium). I didn't take any on sunday but had pain again so I'm back on them. Its been nearly 5 months now. They are very expensive too, the amount I've been getting through!!
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Postby Guest » 29 Oct 2007, 17:21

I have taken painkillers everyday for a year at a time. I have a chronic pain condition that we feel is worth the potential risks of controlling. For me this pain is a disease in itself that needs to be treated.
It is a cost/benefit ratio. I think you need to take the smallest amount possible for as short as possible to maintain a decent quality of life. For some people that may include taking daily doses of pain relief.
I am trying alternative therapies and also feel like anti-depressants help in raising the pain threshold too as well as anxiety that results from pain.
Every once in awhile I have labs drawn to assess organ function. That might be a good idea for you too just to make sure you are okay. I did have some elevated liver enzymes for awhile and had to quit taking Vioxx (it is off the market now here). It can help you make decisions about whether to continue on them or not.


Postby SunshineHope » 30 Oct 2007, 00:29

Kim, my CRS & regular doctor both noticed the lightened skin colour and asked if it was ever like that before, and I said no..... I've always had a normal bum... Until this !! :$($$!: :/\: :flush: . They thought I had been applying some type of lubricant and I informed them that the only thing I had ever used (prior to some hemmy medication) was vaseline!
I also heard from someone else that if you apply too much vaseline to wounds, it can lighten the skin colour :| .. Strange
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Postby SunshineHope » 30 Oct 2007, 00:31

Oh and Val, I'm actually from Canada and I know it's available across North America. I'm not sure if it's available in the UK but maybe the website has shipping or maybe someone from here could ship it over to you? Whereabouts n the UK do you live, I'm going to be seeing a friend soon who's visiting the UK soon , maybe she could ship it from there?
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Postby Guest » 30 Oct 2007, 18:56

Hey Val,
I could not use Goldbond powder. It felt like it was burning. This powder is medicated also .I have used regular ole baby powder. Vey little but it did not bother me at all.
Take Care


Postby val » 31 Oct 2007, 02:51

Hi Sunshine, I live in Essex, near the seaside! I could give you my address in a private message and send a cheque? Or would that not be valid in Canada? I'm a bit stupid about those kind of things!
Patty, I will try baby powder in the meantime,-thanks!
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Postby SunshineHope » 31 Oct 2007, 06:04

hi val, sure just send me your address. my friend's leaving pretty soon so i'll ask her asap! dont worry about the cheque its probably just 5 bucks! lol
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