Aloe Ointment

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Aloe Ointment

Postby bherna1 » 22 Nov 2007, 22:33

I have been a long time sufferer of a fissure. One thing to add that has helped me a great deal is using Aloe ointment, CVS brand that contains no scent or alcohol. It is clear and seems to keep that area down there from flaring up and keeps the area nice and moisturized. I have an absess as well which the Ointment has reduced the size if it as well as the fissure and reduced bleeding. Using wipes CVS brand has also helped out.
Just wanted to pass along what i have uncovered or experienced. Does a real good job!
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Re: Aloe Ointment

Postby Guest » 23 Nov 2007, 08:57

Thanks Bernard! I use aloe vera every day myself. I pop open the capsules and apply but maybe the CVS brand would work just as well for me.

I also take aloe vera as a supplement to help sooth the intestinal lining.

Thanks for the tip!

Re: Aloe Ointment

Postby Deleted User 5 » 23 Nov 2007, 11:08

Pure aloe squeezed straight from the plant is also great!
Deleted User 5

Re: Aloe Ointment

Postby Guest » 23 Nov 2007, 18:18

Aloe is good but what else is good to use? I use A&D ointment and Lidocaine cream. Does anyone else have any suggestions on creams? I did get some pure Aloe gel that does feel soothing especially on the skin tag.
Thanks Patty

Re: Aloe Ointment

Postby Guest » 23 Nov 2007, 18:35

Vitamin E oil is good too-my doctor recommended that or Aloe vera!

Re: Aloe Ointment

Postby bherna1 » 25 Nov 2007, 21:38

i have never had success with anything except aloe. the burning and pain has gone away. bleeding is minimal. i put it on before and after each movement. movements dont feel like glass anymore when exiting. Did some reasearch and this is used to treat burns, pain from burns and such. I have been doing various treatments for the past year with no success until the aloe. it made my abcess almost completely disappear. I havent taken a hot bath in about two weeks since i used this. I really mean i have had good succress with this. just make sure you get the clear, non scented, no alcohol formula. i would think the alcohol and scent would burn down there.
just my take
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Re: Aloe Ointment

Postby val » 26 Nov 2007, 04:23

I use wheatgerm oil which is really good, and also have tried live natural yoghurt which is very cold and soothing.
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Re: Aloe Ointment

Postby Guest » 27 Nov 2007, 10:46

I'm always alittle confused with the Aloe. I get concerned when I see 99% Aloe and then read a few extra ingredients on the side. What brands does everyone use?

Re: Aloe Ointment

Postby Guest » 27 Nov 2007, 10:47

...sorry, and I assume those who like aloe find it much better then KY gel?
Thanks again!

Re: Aloe Ointment

Postby Guest » 27 Nov 2007, 12:13

I use aloe after a bm and KY before along with A&D ointment.

I just break open a capsule and apply the contents.

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