Shy bowel syndrome and fissures

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Shy bowel syndrome and fissures

Postby Luka » 17 Feb 2013, 00:40

Anybody out there heard of shy bowel syndrome (Parcopresis)? It's where you cannot poop in public restrooms or wherever other people are around to hear it or know you're in there pooping (like being in the restroom or in a room next door). It's like "mental" constipation. I have this issue and I have a feeling that this problem is a major cause of my fissure or at least hasn't helped the problem. I rarely get constipation (when at home during my normal routine), but have a lot of trouble going when other people are around (such as at my boyfriend's house or at a store). I just get really stressed and tight and literally cannot go, even if I get the urge. Traveling is the worst for me and I cannot stay in hotels with other people (including my boyfriend or family members) without having this problem and being backed up for days. :(
I'm just curious if anyone else out there has this problem and has a fissure caused by it or aggravated by it. I've suffered with this shy bowel issue all my life and I have a feeling my fissure is the result of me straining to go when I've been in instances where I have to go (or "think" I have to go) in public or on vacation. Unfortunately, it's not something diet can fix (I eat very healthy and have tried altering my diet more by drinking tons of water and eating more foods that "make you go" when on vacation or staying at someone's house, but to no avail), so I'm not sure what to do about it other than see a psychologist. I really don't want to take medication like stool softeners or laxatives on a regular basis for it because I don't want to become dependent on them and I rarely have any issues with constipation at home.
I REALLY want to heal my fissure and never have this problem again, but I'm afraid if I don't get over this shy bowel issue, it will just reoccur again.
January 2013 - Diagnosed with fissure. Eventually turned chronic.
History of IBS and anxiety disorder, along with fear of using bathrooms other than my own caused it.
Tried Diltiazem, but eventually developed a rash.
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Re: Shy bowel syndrome and fissures

Postby CrackinUp » 17 Feb 2013, 03:27

I suffer with this quite badly but have found ways to manage it.
First step is to establish one BM per day as soon as you wake up. If you don't need to go, drink a large glass of cold water and you'll soon need to (I have no idea why).
Drinking lots (4 litres) of water should induce a regular morning BM. If not try eating smaller meals every 3 hours until you get there.
Then you can make sure you are first up and get the whole process out of the way before you go anywhere. Also this eliminates having to use a public convenience, so that solves that issue.
When in hotels, again make sure you are in there first and turn on the shower to drown out any noise. I wen on holiday for 2 weeks recently and the toilet was open top in the room... Image I had to turn the shower on in the cubical next door before going, but it worked.
I know it's disgusting but maybe talk to your partner about it a bit and that could help you feel more relaxed, although I still struggle if I think she can hear me.
I don't think I have ever managed to go in a public place, and I have tried a many times. You are not alone. Hope this helps :)
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Re: Shy bowel syndrome and fissures

Postby marg6043 » 17 Feb 2013, 14:06

I don't have the condition but I believe we all have that feeling of not wanting to have a bowel movement in other any place but in the security of our homes.
My went out of the window when i developed chronic diarrhea I had no choice had to used any public restroom available when the condition will hit me.
Now that I have a fissure is not so much the feeling of been uncomfortable in public restrooms but more of all the "toilet routine" I have to do while dealing with the fissures, so only at home I can care for my problem.
Like CrackinUp said establishing a routine of having a control bowel movement at certain time of the day when you are at home, that is how I work with mine fissure problem, once the body gets its routine is easier to manage no to be in the wrong place at that time of the day.
But as with everything sometimes we all get those stomach problems that will hit us any where any time, is better to be prepare for.
Sorry to hear you having a condition on top of dealing with fissures
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Re: Shy bowel syndrome and fissures

Postby jr2 » 17 Feb 2013, 15:11

actually, i have a different take on this...
i think it's a normal thing to be uncomfortable pooping in public... it's only made in to something abnormal because we expect our physiology to adapt to the strange societal set up we insist on living in. Humans are pretty much the only species that suffers so much and so frequently with anal troubles like fissures and hemorrhoids (and probably bowel problems too). We are taught as children that we're supposed to hold in the urge to defecate until an appropriate time and then we wonder why all these kinds of problems crop up eventually later in life.
If you watch a toddler who is able to walk but still wears diapers you will find most of them wander off and hide somewhere when they need to poo.
In fact, many species of animals do the same. It's a built in protective mechanism to survive against predation. After all, the act of pooping puts the animal into a vulnerable position and also draws attention to predators by way of the scent.
Okay, so all that is well and good... We still have to live in a society where we don't poo in the street. So, I think firstly realizing this is something you are sensitive to you can make certain logistical accommodations to at least reduce your anxiety about it. Looking for locations of restrooms that are less visited, choosing stalls that are furthest away from the entrance to the restroom, using handicap stalls which are roomier and might make you feel more comfortable, even plugging your ears and closing your eyes and relaxing into your breathing while you are in there so you aren't so aware of who else might be in the restroom with you. Above all, try very hard not to ignore the urge to go if you need to. And if you get into the restroom and can't go, that's ok. Don't strain to make it happen. The more times you go in and answer the urge when it happens, the more your body will learn that it's okay and safe to go.
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Re: Shy bowel syndrome and fissures

Postby Luka » 18 Feb 2013, 17:08

Thanks everyone for the replies. :)
I actually do drink a lot of water in the morning and have an established routine. I normally go a couple times (maybe three) in the morning with a strict, healthy diet. I'm also eating less because of the fissure, so I don't have to go as much. Sometimes, though, there is that occasion where I have to go some other time during the day (or maybe I think I have to go because I get stressed and gassy?) and if I'm out in public or at my boyfriend's house, I just physically cannot go (unless I have really bad diarrhea because I'm sick or something). I know stress plays a HUGE, HUGE role in this. Even when I'm on vacation with someone and stick to my regular diet and drink a ton of water, I still have the same issue. Turning on the shower or faucet doesn't help either, in my case. It's just knowing someone else is there in the next room (in the hotel room) that knows I'm in the bathroom possibly pooping is enough to paralyze me and prevent me from going at all. I worry if someone will have to use the bathroom while I'm going or if I'm taking too long, too. It's just weird that it happens, even though I know it's a completely natural process and everyone poops. I just have to be alone and that's what causes my issue. *sigh*
This problem makes going on trips with anyone impossible for me (even for a couple of nights), especially now that I have this fissure problem. My boyfriend wants to travel soon, but seeing as I'm not fully healed yet and have some remaining pain, I guess I need to tell him I can't do it right now and need to stay close to home. I don't want to retear because of this problem. I've talked to him before about this issue (which was embarrassing), but he seems to have trouble understanding it (he's the kind of guy that can poop anywhere and has no issues about announcing to me or his friends that he has to poop). I wish I could be that open and relaxed about it!
Honestly, I can't seem to find a solution to this that works for me, so maybe I just need to adapt as best I can. I've heard cognitive therapy can help people with this problem, but money is an issue for me right now. I think the most important thing right now is for my fissure to heal. It's good to know I'm not alone. Thanks for the advice everyone. :)
January 2013 - Diagnosed with fissure. Eventually turned chronic.
History of IBS and anxiety disorder, along with fear of using bathrooms other than my own caused it.
Tried Diltiazem, but eventually developed a rash.
LIS surgery scheduled August 26th.
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