what could this be now?

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what could this be now?

Postby val » 28 Nov 2007, 11:24

Love your new design!!
I thought I'd just re-injured the fissure last week as I had bleeding and pain, but its getting worse, and it feels different. It feels swollen and aching and throbs like mad if I sit on it. Sorry to be graphic, but there seems to be a lump just behind the skin tag. Could this just be a hemmie ? What does an abcess feel like? I'm not using the diltiazem and hot water bottle because would I be right in assuming they would make hemmies worse? Or should I keep on with them?
Any advice very gratefully received!!! Image :(
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Re: what could this be now?

Postby Guest » 28 Nov 2007, 11:50

That sounds like an external thrombosed hemorrhoid which I have had in the past. (most recently in August). I don't know about abcesses though.

If you look in the mirror it will look like a hard lump that is bluish, purpleish under the skin. If you can get in soon enough the doctor can take the clot out to stop the pressure. Some doctors prescribe hydrocortisone.

I took a lot of warm baths when I had mine and took 800 mg if ibuprofen 3 times a day which helps with the pain and inflammation. Using epsom salts in the bath can help with the swelling too. Also lidocaine can give some topical relief.

I don't know about the diltiazem. I would hate for your fissure to get worse because you stopped it. I don't think it will hurt a hemorrhoid if that is what it is.

You might want to call your doctor.

Re: what could this be now?

Postby buttgirl » 28 Nov 2007, 12:01

It could also be an abscess. That is what mine felt lilke, but mine didn't bleed. When it became full blown, it got worse rather quickly. It felt warm and it throbbed when I sat and generally hurt like crazy. Abcesses do not look like blood clots. They are pinkish and basically look like a huge pimples right next to the exit hole. And they feel like huge inflamed boils too.
I have found that warmth in the area has helped both conditions. But that may be just me. Either way, I wouldn't stop the ointment.
It probably would be a good idea to call your doctor.
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Re: what could this be now?

Postby val » 28 Nov 2007, 12:50

How do you stop them bursting, Lecia? I think that's what caused my fissure in the first place, I can't bear the thought of another fissure next to the first one!
How long did yours last for? Its strange how all these things happen at the same time isn't it? Is there a reason, do you know, or just bad luck!?
Thanks for your reply Buttgirl, I don't think its an abcess from your description, which has set my mind at rest a bit, I bet they are really painful, they sound it. Has yours gone now?
ps. what is lidocaine? I have some hemmie cream would that do? And is it safe to use that as well as diltiazem?
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Re: what could this be now?

Postby buttgirl » 28 Nov 2007, 13:15

lidocaine is a pain killing ointment. It is related to novacaine, like the stuff dentists use before drilling. applying it topically numbs the area.
hemmie cream might do. I found that it stings open wounds.
good that it's not an abscess. They are awful and usually don't go away without help. mine was the result of an anal fissure and it, thus, opened into the anal canal, so to propoerly drain it the surgeon had to cut the length of the canal down to the muscle. Not a fun thing, I can assure you. It is gone now, but it took about 7 mos to heal that incision. i am still recovering from the super duper antibiotics the drs. put me on. The bit I am suffering from now is --I think--from a burst hemmie.
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Re: what could this be now?

Postby Guest » 28 Nov 2007, 13:25

Mine usually don't burst. But the last one did and caused a small fissure. But before that it would just subside over time. (a long time though, maybe 3-4 weeks).

Hemmies are caused by the overstretching of a vein in the anus and a blood clot can form which is very painful. Usually they are caused by straining or sitting, standing a lot. Any time blood can pool and get stuck in the anus, it can happen. Even a long fit of coughing, carrying something heavy can set it off. For me, the last time was because I sat in a car for 8+ hours. But there are times when I think I have done everything right and I still will get them. I think after my pregnancies my vessels down there are just stretched out and weak.

I do take some supplements to try to prevent them. I don't know how well they work but some things I try are:
Serrapaptase enzyme or Nattozimes
A supplement called Sit Easy for rectal tissue health. It has things like Butcher's Broom, Japanese Stone root, Horsechestnut. You could find something that says "vein health" and that should have many of the ingredients

Lidocaine is a topical analgesic-a numbing cream. You should be able to find it a drugstore without a prescription.

I am sorry you are going through this. Hemorrhoids are a bane to society for sure.

Re: what could this be now?

Postby buttgirl » 28 Nov 2007, 13:36

I find that Rutin makes a BIG difference for me. i take at least 1500mg daily. during a flare I take up to 6000mg. I have tried other things, but without such a noticable effect.
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Re: what could this be now?

Postby Guest » 28 Nov 2007, 14:00

That's interesting, BG. I didn't know how high a dose of rutin to take. I am take 500 twice a day for a total of 1000. Good to know someone who has experience with using it during a flare-up.

Re: what could this be now?

Postby val » 28 Nov 2007, 15:31

where would I find rutin? In a health shop?
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Re: what could this be now?

Postby Guest » 28 Nov 2007, 15:41

Yeah, Val, you can get it at a healthshop. If you ever have problems finding something in the UK, please let me know and I can get you some here. I am always mailing stuff becauseI sell on Ebay here and there.

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