what could this be now?

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Re: what could this be now?

Postby val » 28 Nov 2007, 16:22

I just googled lidocaine and it said EMLA cream. My son had that when he had an ingrowing toenail and it had to be removed and he had to have local anaesthetic injections. He's terrified of needles and the doctor prescribed it for him before we took him to the chiropodist. I think it was a bit of a "dumbo feather" for him, because the chiropodist said it wouldn't have helped. He believed in it though, so it did "work"! I wonder if the UK version isn't any good? I know I can't just buy the emla, I'd have to have it prescribed, but I don't know whether the doctor would anyway. They're really weird here! I think I'd better move to America, they are certainly NOT clued up about fissures here!!
Thanks for offering to send stuff, that's really kind of you. I'd like to sell on e-bay, but I'm not sure how to!
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Re: what could this be now?

Postby buttgirl » 28 Nov 2007, 16:24

lidocaine is also in baby teething gel like oragel. Do you have that in the UK
As for the Rutin, the studies suggest 3000-6000mg/day dduring flare ups and 1500-3000mg/day for maintenance.
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Re: what could this be now?

Postby val » 28 Nov 2007, 16:27

We have bonjela, but thats mouth ulcer gel, and stings like crazy, even on an ulcer!
I'll have a look for rutin in a health shop tomorrow!
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