what could this be?

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what could this be?

Postby val » 29 Nov 2007, 08:11

:( I just noticed some poison stuff, like when you get an infected toe or a wound gone septic. I'm really freaked now! Anyone got any ideas?
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Re: what could this be?

Postby Guest » 29 Nov 2007, 08:25

Like puss? It sounds like an abcess like BG was describing. I think you need to go the doctor's today and get it checked out.

Re: what could this be?

Postby happyass » 29 Nov 2007, 08:28

yep...sounds like either the beginning of an abscess or it's already an abscess on it's way to possibly becoming a fistula!
so get it checked out quickly............
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Re: what could this be?

Postby Deleted User 5 » 29 Nov 2007, 10:49

Get thee to thy GP soon, Val!!!
Deleted User 5

Re: what could this be?

Postby Guest » 29 Nov 2007, 12:30

And check in with us if you can. Image

Re: what could this be?

Postby val » 29 Nov 2007, 13:54

Hi all!
thanks so much for making me go to the GP! I just got back and they are so useless, its untrue! You have to see a nurse first, you cant just see the doctor unless you book an appointment weeks in advance. The nurse knew NOTHING about fissures and said she'd learnt a lot from me tonight.Great! She made me see the doctor because she couldn't help, and guess what, the doctor said that I didn't even have a fissure!
She had the notes from the crs I'd seen and he said he couldn't see a fissure because I was too sore to examine, but he'd seen the skin tag. The doctor told me that a fissure was on the outside and clearly visible, so if he hadn't seen it, then I didn't have one!! I said that the skin tag was a sentinel pile which guards the fissure and she said I was talking rubbish and you can have a skin tag without a fissure. So I've basically imagined the past six months of misery ,according to her!
Anyway, she said I had a perianal abcess, whatever that is, and to take antibiotics and all will be fine. Is this right? What exactly is an abcess? Will it turn into a fistula, and should it be bleeding?
Sorry for a long-winded story, but I'm really upset!
Thanks for all your support!
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Re: what could this be?

Postby Guest » 29 Nov 2007, 14:36

Hi Val,
I don't know much about abcesses or fistulas but I think the antibiotics are indicated for sure. I am just wondering where the abcess came from? Is it the skintag? I would think you do have a fissure-you don't just get an abcess from skin that it is intact.

I feel so bad for you having to deal with health care professionals that clearly no nothing about your condition. It is so frustrating. Can you go back to the doctor that prescribed the Anoheal? I think having an abcess warrants you seeing a specialist. What do you have to do to go back to the CRS?

Re: what could this be?

Postby val » 29 Nov 2007, 14:45

I know I have a fissure because of the spasms and bleeding ect., that I've had, and my first doctor said it was there. My specialist is private, and funny enough I had an appointment with him yesterday, but I cancelled it because a) I was feeling better last week when I cancelled it and b) because of the identity theft thing when they cleared out our bank account, I couldn't afford it .He charged me Ј120 last time I saw him, and he didn't even look that closely.
Apparently the skin tag is inflamed as well, but the abcess is just beside it. Do you think its right that it could just clear up with antibiotics?
She prescribed lidicaine when I asked her to, but told me not to use any creams while its infected. I'm upset it got infected after all the baths every day, but she said the area was lovely and clean, so maybe it was just bad luck. I'm so scared of getting a fistula!
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Re: what could this be?

Postby Guest » 29 Nov 2007, 15:53

Well, I think the antibiotics will really make a difference. I don't know if you at some point it may need to be drained though? Maybe BG will be by shortly and she can give you better advice.

I am so sorry. Maybe you can reschedule with the doctor to get a sanity check and make sure you are getting the right treatment.

Good grief, that is awful.

Re: what could this be?

Postby Deleted User 5 » 29 Nov 2007, 17:29

I agree with Lecia, the abscess will respond to the antibiotics. But right now is seems the real issue is do you actually have a fissure?
If you can get the abscess down, then you can cease worrying about the fistula, I would think. A skin tag is a hug annoyance, but if you can verify that *that* is your major problem, you will take a huge step in solving your riddle and getting some real relief.
I know because of the theft it is hard to see the CRS. And it *is* Christmastime, too! And it would be a shame to go and then have him tell you its a skin tag (again). It looks like right now if you can take the antibiotics for several days and get the abscess down, that's a good starting point and there are others on this board who can tell how they managed *their* skin tags (I have never had one.)
Deleted User 5

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