How long does a fissure have to heal after LIS?

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How long does a fissure have to heal after LIS?

Postby howtobepositive » 06 May 2013, 00:51

Just wondering that how long does an AF have to heal itself after going through the LIS. From what I understand the LIS causes the sphinter to not spasm which leads to increased blood flow n the area and that helps the AF heal.
Now, Im sure that the LIS cant prevent the sphincter from spasming forever so what is that magic number - 2 weeks, a month, a year?!?!
Im asking because I just had LIS 5 days ago and havent made as good progress as I would have liked and would want to know how long does the AF get to heal before the effects of the LIS kind of wear off................
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Re: How long does a fissure have to heal after LIS?

Postby Ceeteefeebs » 06 May 2013, 12:42

I read somewhere that your sphincter recovers 80% of its strength in a year. So it will never be as fierce as it was, and you've got some time to heal up. 7 days post-LIS and my spasms are still there. Perhaps not as painful, but definitely there. Before and after a BM are the worst, but with all the fiber I'm gassy in the evenings, so they're noticeable then as well.
Try to keep that chin up, and know you're not alone.
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Re: How long does a fissure have to heal after LIS?

Postby Jojo1 » 05 Jun 2013, 11:02

It varies. My understanding is that the initial healing of the fissure can happen within the first 4-6 days, followed by the healing of the incision within a couple of weeks. Full healing, however, can take up to two years . . . this includes regaining muscle tightness (though it may never be quite as tight, this varies from individual to individual), skin elasticity and durability, etc. You have to give it time, it is not a quick fix. Stick with your healing regimen (water, fiber, stool softening, soaking 2-3 times daily, etc.) religiously for at least the first 8-12 months. Then you can begin to back off a little bit as your judgement dictates. I took a very careful, baby-step approach to this because as long as I live, I NEVER want to have another fissure if I can prevent it.
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