Pregnant with anal fissures. Help!!!

Pregnancy, anal fissures

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Pregnant with anal fissures. Help!!!

Postby Lauravocals » 12 Sep 2017, 09:45

Hi everyone,

I'm so glad I found this forum. I'm currently losing my mind ... I am 12 weeks pregnant and have been suffering for 7 weeks with anal fissures that seem to be getting worse. I saw a rectal surgeon and was prescribed nifedipine with lidocaine. I am taking 2 stool softeners a day as well as high fiber diet and lots of water. I've never had these issues before pregnancy, nor have I ever been Constipated. I started feeling better because my stool was softer and this morning it went back to hard again. I just want to enjoy my pregnancy, especially because we worked so hard to get here and this is our first baby. The pain is so bad right after BM for hours and then subsides in evening until next BM. Any advice would be appreciated. Please help!!
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Re: Pregnant with anal fissures. Help!!!

Postby Canadabum » 14 Sep 2017, 19:59

Lauravocal - first of all, congrats on the pregnancy. That is awesome! Second - so sorry you are dealing with an AF.

I just wrote a summary of what I would do to help on Berlinbaby's question string...check it out - perhaps some of those tips will help.

I wonder if your ob-gyn might also have some advice particularl to you.

Good luck and let us know how it goes.

Best - Canadabum
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