Pregnant with reoccuring fissure(s)

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Pregnant with reoccuring fissure(s)

Postby seili » 09 Apr 2011, 19:48

I've been doing well with my fissure (s) for awhile now. I take Miralax two times a day and then I am usually fine. If it starts to reoccur, I've been able to stop it before it gets bad.
I am 25 weeks pregnant now and have had a terrible relapse. I don't most people understand how much this hurts! It is definitely one of the worst pains I have ever had.
It gets so bad that the only way I can go to the bathroom with some measure of peace, though slight, is to go in the bathtub. Does anybody else have to do this or does this mean that mine are really bad?
I've never been examined; the doctor just assumed that I had anal fissures- that was back in the summer. It's been happening on and off for about 6 years now, but it became consistent about 2 or so years ago.
Can you have surgery on this while pregnant? Is there any pain medication that they can give me? I've not gone back to the doctor yet, though sometimes I feel like going to the ER, but I feel like there isn't much more they can do for me. But maybe there is pain medicine?
Thank you so much! I know it's a lot of information.
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Re: Pregnant with reoccuring fissure(s)

Postby dwarfs8 » 30 Aug 2011, 07:53

hi seili, not sure why no one replied to your post... but how are you now? How did you manage your fissure?
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Re: Pregnant with reoccuring fissure(s)

Postby val » 30 Aug 2011, 08:09

If you have been suffering for that long, then probably only some kind of surgical intervention is going to help.
The best thing you can do is to go to your GP and ask for a referral to a colo-rectal surgeon who will explore your options.
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Re: Pregnant with reoccuring fissure(s)

Postby Lauravocals » 12 Sep 2017, 09:47

Hi Seili,

I am going through the same thing. Did you ever find a solution to this problem ?
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Re: Pregnant with reoccuring fissure(s)

Postby Pregnantandinpain » 23 Feb 2018, 16:12

Hi Lauravocals, there's a few of us pregnant mommas on here. What a pain it is isn't it?! Check out the other postings. Hope we can all help each other!
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Re: Pregnant with reoccuring fissure(s)

Postby ESun » 28 Feb 2018, 06:59

I’m breastfeeding and feel a part of the club! I feel the hormones make my tissue softer and this harder to heal.
I am drinking a plethora of warm and cold drinks throughout the day, lots of blended drinks and soups and only want one Poo a day but haven’t figured that one out yet! It starts hurting 1/2 hr after the BM.
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Re: Pregnant with reoccuring fissure(s)

Postby Allthepain » 28 Feb 2018, 21:08

My fissure started from breastfeeding both times. I actually quit partially because of all the pain it was causing due to the severe constipation and tearing. Breastfeeding definitely wasn't kind to my butt lol. One of those things they definitely don't tell you about!
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Re: Pregnant with reoccuring fissure(s)

Postby ESun » 01 Mar 2018, 07:53

Allthepain, I hear you, I’m a single mom and can’t fathom stopping breastfeeding right now. It gets him to sleep and back to sleep and there has to be another way. Are there links on this forum to fold who wrote about their spasm finally subsiding?
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Re: Pregnant with reoccuring fissure(s)

Postby Allthepain » 01 Mar 2018, 22:09

There is a lot of information on here so I'm not sure what you are looking for specifically. I don't think I have spasms as much, but I can have extreme tearing with pain that lingers for hours. It doesn't really feel like a spasm though. I know lots of people on here have severe spasms. I think most people start with a cream like Diltiazem that helps to relax the muscle. I would also highly recommend Miralax if you struggle with constipation. It's made a world of difference for me.
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