I've been doing well with my fissure (s) for awhile now. I take Miralax two times a day and then I am usually fine. If it starts to reoccur, I've been able to stop it before it gets bad.
I am 25 weeks pregnant now and have had a terrible relapse. I don't most people understand how much this hurts! It is definitely one of the worst pains I have ever had.
It gets so bad that the only way I can go to the bathroom with some measure of peace, though slight, is to go in the bathtub. Does anybody else have to do this or does this mean that mine are really bad?
I've never been examined; the doctor just assumed that I had anal fissures- that was back in the summer. It's been happening on and off for about 6 years now, but it became consistent about 2 or so years ago.
Can you have surgery on this while pregnant? Is there any pain medication that they can give me? I've not gone back to the doctor yet, though sometimes I feel like going to the ER, but I feel like there isn't much more they can do for me. But maybe there is pain medicine?
Thank you so much! I know it's a lot of information.