Prep and eating before LIS question

What was your prep and how much did you eat the night before?

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Prep and eating before LIS question

Postby Luka » 14 Aug 2016, 09:58

Hi everyone,

I was just wondering if anyone had any prep before their LIS surgery. My surgery instructions say to drink one 10oz bottle of Magnesium Citrate at 6pm the night before. Anyone recommend any decent flavors? I'm very prone to nausea and vomiting, especially with the acid reflux I have, so just wondering which flavor is the most tolerable. They have lemon-lime, cherry, and grape. I'm leaning toward the lemon-lime since I used to like drinking Sprite before I quit drinking sodas long ago.

It also says to do two enemas, but my CRS said it wasn't necessary since I'm in so much pain and the office said to skip it. So that's a big relief for me. I definitely don't want to fiddle with that while I'm in pain and a nervous mess the morning of surgery.

How much did you eat the days or day before surgery? My instructions just say to stop eating after midnight for anesthesia-related purposes. I don't want to have a BM immediately right after surgery, so I'm worried about eating much. Maybe I should just stick to a liquid diet (things like chicken broth and apple juice) the day or two before? Honestly, I don't think my appetite is going to be very good, anyway. Nerves tend to absolutely kill my appetite.

Thank you in advance for any advice. : )
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Re: Prep and eating before LIS question

Postby Luka » 16 Aug 2016, 08:17

Anyone? Just kind of freaked out about drinking this magnesium citrate. I'm a small woman (5' 3" and barely 93 lbs now due to minimal eating) with acid reflux and major nausea issues, so I'm concerned about its effects on me. Maybe I will just call the doctor and ask if I can skip it if I can't tolerate it. So jealous of those of you who didn't require any prep before LIS. At least I don't need an enema, though.
January 2013 - Diagnosed with fissure. Eventually turned chronic.
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Re: Prep and eating before LIS question

Postby Savaici » 16 Aug 2016, 15:33

Personally, I would eat light for few days before. Then, for the two days before, I would have soup and things like that. The anesthesia tends to slow down your colon and make you (or did me) constipated, so you want to go with what will stop you from having to strain afterwards. These are just my suggestions and I suggest you do a search on the group and the net, and ask the nurse as a last resort. Also, don't stop taking anything that you use, like Miralax, unless you have been specifically told to.
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Re: Prep and eating before LIS question

Postby Savaici » 16 Aug 2016, 15:38

Here is a post from Suzy:


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Re: Prep and eating before LIS question

Postby Luka » 17 Aug 2016, 08:30

Thanks, Savaici. I usually eat light, anyway, so that's not a big deal for me. I will probably end up calling the doctor about having to finish the whole bottle. Apparently my mom had to take Magnesium Citrate for one of her surgeries and it was so strong for her that she couldn't tolerate finishing the whole bottle, so not sure how I will fair with it. I tried searching the net and the group, but either people don't have any prep at all or they have enemas for this surgery, which my doctor said he wouldn't put me through. Guess I'll just do the best I can. I'm really starting to freak out here. : (
January 2013 - Diagnosed with fissure. Eventually turned chronic.
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