Preventing Fissure After Long Haul Flight

Time zone change and preventing AF

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Preventing Fissure After Long Haul Flight

Postby RumBum » 09 Nov 2018, 01:05

Dear Community,

I've had two bouts of full-blown, months-long AFs and am really prone to getting smaller ones. Basically one bad (overly firm or scraping) poop, and I'm in trouble.

I've figured out some methods for preventing them while at home and on my normal schedule, but I need advice on what to do to prevent trouble (constipation and hard stool) while traveling.

I'm taking a 11 hour flight Saturday morning and am worried that between the long flight and the time change that my body won't be able to cope, despite high water intake, high fiber, Miralax and Colace at night (my usual regimen). In particular, I'm looking for advice on what to do once I arrive at my destination given the time change. My body will think that it's midnight, but there it will be the start of a new day. What do you do, try to keep your body on your normal schedule (and so I take Miralax during the day there as soon as I arrive) at first or immediately try to get on to the time zone schedule and wait until the nighttime there to take Miralax, or take it twice?

Any tips on how to avoid disaster are really welcome!

Thank you!
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Re: Preventing Fissure After Long Haul Flight

Postby Okaybum » 09 Nov 2018, 06:14

Take it twice? I'd definitely take it to get on to the normal time you take it during the day and taking it twice in a day won't hurt.
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Re: Preventing Fissure After Long Haul Flight

Postby RumBum » 09 Nov 2018, 11:37


Thanks for your reply! So, if I were to take it twice would the timing be like this?

(1) Take it shortly after I arrive (because it'll be near midnight in my original time zone, the time I usually take it)

(2) Take it before my new bedtime there

And should I take a full dose both times, do you think?

A friend found this product for me online...something called a "hydration multiplier": I was thinking to try it for the flight. Can anyone recommend it? It sounds a little too good to be true! I calculated that to drink the recommend 6-8oz of water per hour on the flight, I'd need to bring about 90 ounces of water on the plane to stay hydrated!
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Re: Preventing Fissure After Long Haul Flight

Postby Okaybum » 09 Nov 2018, 15:00

If you do as you mention, I think it should help but may make things very loose the next day.

As for the water, I'm not sure where you're flying from but the majority of places have a liquids rule and don't allow much past security. If you took a bottle, you'd have to throw it out. Just 1 bottle.the plane should have water available to drink.
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Re: Preventing Fissure After Long Haul Flight

Postby Okaybum » 09 Nov 2018, 15:07

As for the item you mentioned. It's like Gatorade. It's number 1 ingredient is sugar. Personally, I'd pass and opt for a clean meal prior and after. Think vegetables and salad with chicken or fish. Avoid red meat, potatoes, anything hard and not fissure friendly like chips, and you should be fine with just normal water and with taking your stool softeners. You'll be ok.
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Re: Preventing Fissure After Long Haul Flight

Postby RumBum » 09 Nov 2018, 16:28

Thank you Okaybum! I'll take your advice on clean, sugar-free water.

I think I have major water on the plane anxiety after being on a long haul flight some years ago where they ran out of water. These days when I travel I go through security and then spend an irrational amount of money on bottles of water you can get after security but before boarding. It's another problem figuring out where to put all those bottles once you get to your seat :-)
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