Private LIS surgery in the UK advice needed

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Private LIS surgery in the UK advice needed

Postby Mypoorbutt » 17 Mar 2016, 09:10

Please help...just been told today by my general surgeon that I cannot have LIS until I have tried Botox at least twice...
So has anyone on here has LIS done privately as I cannot handle these spasms and Botox just seems a holding option especially as I do have a tight sphincter and that's just going to come back once the Botox has worn off...
Neve thought about paying for healthcare as I was brought up by staunchly labour parents and it was frowned upon to pay....
I can't cope with the spasms but have absolutely no clue how to go about finding a surgeon ect any help really appreciated as months more of this seems unbearable
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Re: Private LIS surgery in the UK advice needed

Postby Savaici » 17 Mar 2016, 21:56

Mr. Windsor. London. Many of our members have used him. Do a search with "Windsor".
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Re: Private LIS surgery in the UK advice needed

Postby Mypoorbutt » 18 Mar 2016, 02:54

Thank you much appreciated
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Re: Private LIS surgery in the UK advice needed

Postby brokenbottom » 17 Apr 2016, 12:38

Hello MPB

Just seen your post and wondered how you were getting on? I am in the UK too (south coast) and have just had LIS done privately. Like you it's not something I would have imagined doing but after I had botox on the NHS and it didn't work I never even got a follow-up appointment! It was meant to be 8 weeks but despite ringing up, nagging my GP etc, nothing. Just spoke to harassed nurses telling me how long the lists were and telling me to go to A&E!

In the end my GP suggested going privately and I paid £200 for a consultation. I found the guy online and researched his reviews, then my GP referred me. He then put me on the NHS list for the op, so that was potentially some shameful queue jumping! In the end though I just had the thing done privately in the hope I can get on with my life sooner. Less than a week after the op so still struggling but hoping I'm on the path to normality now.

If you've any questions, please ask!
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Re: Private LIS surgery in the UK advice needed

Postby Mypoorbutt » 18 Apr 2016, 04:10

Thanks for the reply
Did a lot of research and found a highly recommended CRS but can't get to see him till the 28th hoping I won't have to wait for the op...consultation fee is £250,
Do you mind if I ask how much your surgery was completely and if you don't mind me asking did they send you home with painkillers. I have 2 skin tags that are quite large but was wondering if it might be better to leave them be as that would be more cuts...what did your surgeon advise. Also did the spasms go straight away as it is these that kill me...the burning and stinging is bad but the relentless spasms drive me to the edge.
Gosh bet your glad you replied now lol
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Re: Private LIS surgery in the UK advice needed

Postby brokenbottom » 18 Apr 2016, 04:44


Well I did ask if you had any questions! No problem though - happy to tell you my experiences.

Cost wise, I paid £200 for the consultation and luckily I didn't need to wait that long. But once you've seen them they might be able to offer an op really quickly. I was scared and put it off for a bit. Also I hoped that maybe the NHS slot would come through (ho ho ho...). The operation itself cost just under £1,800, all in. The surgeon doesn't get a huge amount of that - most of it is the theatre and staff and so on. Yes they gave me painkillers - nothing fancy though, just paracetamol, ibuprofen and codeine, plus laxatives.

I was in so much pain the surgeon hadn't been able to examine me properly before the procedure, so I didn't know in advance what exactly would be done. But he did two tags and a polyp while he was at it in the end. You could say I got value for money! I wouldn't think you'd want to have LIS done and then have to go back in later to sort tags out or whatever.

As for pain, it's different. The hours of overwhelming spasms going on and on are gone but I feel tender and very sore after a BM especially. I'm still less than a week in though, and the surgeon warned it'd be a slow recovery. The worst thing I'm finding is that I feel sort of traumatised by BMs. Feel faint and shaky after. But I think that's probably mainly my stupid brain as I'm of an anxious persuasion! Generally the actual pain pain has been less than before.

Hope this helps and lots of luck to you!
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Re: Private LIS surgery in the UK advice needed

Postby Mypoorbutt » 18 Apr 2016, 04:55

Thanks appreciate your info
The surgeon only does 1 evening a week for private consultation, hence the wait, I might ask about how long it would be to go on his NHS list if that's possible. I have had my skin tags for over 15 years (IBS D) and they don't really bother me apart from being a bit sore.
It's the spasms I'm wanting gone...obviously no one wants pain but I can carry on my life with the stinging burning soreness but not with the spasms (feel like I live in the bath)
My fissures don't hurt during a BM it 10 mins after then crescendos into agony for about ten hours after.
Yes I can relate to dreading going to the loo...these awful things change us so much...hopefully we can change for the better once the pain has gone...
Best of luck to you and fingers crossed for your speedy recovery. I will be posting on here once I have had the op.
It's interesting to know your Botox didn't work as it reaffirms my belief and research that Botox is not the oath for me
Thanks again x
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Re: Private LIS surgery in the UK advice needed

Postby brokenbottom » 18 Apr 2016, 06:32

Your pattern of pain sounds very like mine was - BMs were bearable but the pain that kicked in half an hour or so later was terrible and went on for hours and hours. I genuinely wanted to die some days. One thing I discovered late on that helped a little sometimes was doing what I called zombie pacing. Some days I just couldn't move but if I could get started in the pre-spasm window I'd pace very slowly round the room, sometimes for hours. I guess it helps soothe things a bit.

Worth badgering the surgeon's secretary in case a cancellation comes up for an appointment and get them to put you on the NHS list too. You might be lucky and save yourself a couple of grand! I'd still be waiting for a follow up appointment for my botox on the NHS though, so I'm glad I emptied my savings. Just praying it's totally sorted!

One thing on botox - my private surgeon was very dismissive of it. He said it is often only temporary relief and that sphincterotomy was the "gold standard" treatment. He loved that phrase.

Anyway, look forward to reading about your recovery! x
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Re: Private LIS surgery in the UK advice needed

Postby FissureFighter80 » 21 Apr 2016, 13:08

brokenbottom wrote:Your pattern of pain sounds very like mine was - BMs were bearable but the pain that kicked in half an hour or so later was terrible and went on for hours and hours. I genuinely wanted to die some days.

Same here.
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Re: Private LIS surgery in the UK advice needed

Postby Mypoorbutt » 22 Apr 2016, 03:29

Its been horrendous these past few days only had 4 hours without pain in the last 48....why does the NHS expect us to cope with this amount of pain for months and months when in theory a simple op would make it bearable if not totally better....and why is my friend who has anxiety allowed valium...but i cant have it to stop these soul destroying spasms...truly dont understsnd
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