Hi, I'm from the UK & wondered if anyone has experienced this. I started with a sharp pain on the back right side high up internally after a BM. Not constipated but was a large one! After several days of this pain & unable to sit without getting a Sharp pain (cycling to work was out if the question) I saw the DR. Who examined me & said it was an internal AF also some scarring. Prescribed rectogesic. Now approaching week 4. I can sit down most of the time without that Sharp pain. So appears to be getting better.
However if I push during a BM the muscle at the top (Internal sphincter I think) is sore & feels bruised. I'm wondering if I have caused trauma to the muscle, & like any other muscle it can be strained? Whenever the muscle is used it is painful. But when not going to the toilet, it is okay, just the occasional twitch pain during the day.