Hi all,
I had LIS on Monday. Things haven't been too bad since - minimal pain and only a little bleeding/discharge. However I am rather concerned about the state of my anus post-LIS and was hoping that those of you with experience could offer some advice. I did not see the surgeon after the op and have had problems getting hold of him so you guys are the next source for info.
The issue I have is that, where I assume the incision was done (left side, slightly towards the anterior) there is a sort of dent. It's not really a hole, since there is skin there, it's more like a little crater located within a fold of the flesh. The problem is that this gets clogged with stool, and I have to spread my anus apart to clean it. It takes a while to clean and is tender since this is where the incision was, also after cleaning it more stool seems to leek out and I have to go through the process again.
My concern is that this issue is not going to go away. I don't know if the 'crater' will fill in as it heals, but if it doesn't cleaning after a BM is going to be difficult for the rest of my life. I'm only on day4 post op so I know I have a long way to go - but I'm concerned that is bad early sign.
Any ideas what's going on here? Did anyone else have a similar issue at the incision site? Did the problem get better?