? recovery time after sphincterotomy

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Re: ? recovery time after sphincterotomy

Postby dano » 10 Jul 2007, 20:50

thanks Noelle!..........
........why doesnt your bowels feel empty? how does the surgery affect that? youd think it'd be the opposite with the muscle being relaxed,it all just come on out......
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Re: ? recovery time after sphincterotomy

Postby Deleted User 5 » 10 Jul 2007, 20:59

Well, I think the sphincter is actually responsible for pulling the stool from the colon and moving it to the delivery area, the anus...so if it's been compromised, via surgery, it can't do it's job quite as well...
Just a non-medical guess on my part...
Deleted User 5

Re: ? recovery time after sphincterotomy

Postby happyass » 11 Jul 2007, 07:37

on the other hand, it may be that we have become so super aware of everything down there, that really our bowels are empty but we feel something - which may be a muscle or a hemmy or something that is situating itself back in there.
all i can say is that if you have pushed and nothing comes out, you are basically done.
avoid the strain to get what you feel may be the 'last drop' out!
it only makes things worse.
this is a great exercise in learning to listen to your body and trying to respect it when it is ready to do something. in a way, despite all this trouble we have with our sensitive bottoms, its a great opportunity to become more aware of what is better for our mind, body, and soul.
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Re: ? recovery time after sphincterotomy

Postby Guest » 11 Jul 2007, 09:09

That is a good point, Gareth!
If I don't have the urge to go I don't push it. I figure my body will let me know when it is time. And I think we all may have a hyperawareness of this area after dealing with so much pain and thinking about all things butt related for so long.

recovering after lateral sphincterotomy

Postby Guest » 11 Jul 2007, 18:01

Thanks for all the tips and information.
It sounds like everyone is different in terms of their healing times.
It's just frustrating when you are an active and athletic person to have the weeks drag on with this continued pain down there. It is getting better albeit very slowly.
Am also bothered with this continued drainage of a clear, yellowish type fluid with a bad odor. My sister had the same surgery and said this went on for about two months. I've found that the continued drainage sets one up for skin irritation down there---end up with a bad rash off and on despite trying to keep it all clean and dry.
Am going to see the surgeon tomorrow and guess I just need to be patient. Thanks again. S.

Re: ? recovery time after sphincterotomy

Postby Guest » 11 Jul 2007, 18:24

I am 5 weeks post op, I had a fistula, fissure and hemorrhoids removed by rubber band ligation. I am starting to feel normal again, but still have some discharge. Does anyone know how long I will have that?

Re: ? recovery time after sphincterotomy

Postby Guest » 11 Jul 2007, 18:31

Hi Harmony,
I'm not sure about that. I think though with a fistula you can have drainage for awhile. Does anyone else know the answer?

Re: ? recovery time after sphincterotomy

Postby Guest » 11 Jul 2007, 18:35

Does anyone know how common it is for a fistula or fissure to come back?

Re: ? recovery time after sphincterotomy

Postby happyass » 11 Jul 2007, 19:55

from what i hear its like a weird cycle....a hemmy will cause a fissure; a fissure can spark a fistula; and well, a fistula is just no fun at all!
i suppose once we get a fissure, we are prone to possibly another if we don't change our behaviors, whether it be eating, farting, or crapping with lots of strain, etc..
i would certainly hope that once you have had a fistulotomy that that particular fistula will heal. and same for the LIS.
for non-treatment, some may have recurrent issues.
i was given a pardon of execution from surgery and i have recovered from my fissure but this was after 3.5 years of really bad stuff.
now it is just me and my happyass with a very sensitive skin tag...i call him 'bee-atch!" :-)
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Re: ? recovery time after sphincterotomy

Postby Deleted User 5 » 11 Jul 2007, 20:00

I agree with Gareth, behaviors have to be altered AND complete healing must take place...or else the possibility of a recurrence is there. Those of us who get these ailments may have a predisposition to them (or not!).
Stay on whatever course of treatment you have always used while you are healing. Then, once you have healed, never go back to your old ways as thoroughly as you used to, always eat right and stay healthy...
Deleted User 5

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