? recovery time after sphincterotomy

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Re: ? recovery time after sphincterotomy

Postby neeooo » 26 May 2012, 07:46

I had my procedure done Monday. The spasm is gone but I still bleed and it burns when I take a bm. Is that normal?
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Re: ? recovery time after sphincterotomy

Postby 44alegna44 » 26 May 2012, 09:06

Hi Neeoo and congrat's on your surgery Image
I would say most definitely yes...seems to me those of us who had surgery and don't experience blood/burn for at least the first week would be in the minority Image These are common symptoms of post-op recovery. I experienced blood for 10 days as well as burning...actually the burning went on, although subsiding, for about 2 weeks. Image
I remember asking my surgeon about what kind of pain i should expect with regards to bm's after surgery...her response was "unfortunately,
once you have the first bm, you may think twice about having another
one"....and boy was she right Image She did want to prepare me so I
wouldn't freak out from the pain/burn and worry that something wasn't
right Image The crappy part of that, for me, was that before surgery
bm's were never ever painful in any way...my fissure caused me pain
when I would spasm, which was always a couple of hours after a bm Image My
surgery stopped the spasms, but recovery brought on the new
experience of burning bm"s, but , as I said for only about 2 weeks. :D
If at anytime though, you need more reassurance, you shouldn't hesitate to call your surgeon, for added peace of mind. Image
Best wishes for continued healing and successful recovery Image
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Re: ? recovery time after sphincterotomy

Postby neeooo » 27 May 2012, 08:01

Thanks so much. I never felt pain in my life than with this fissure. I got myself into a depression over it. It sure woke me up with what I eat. How long did it take to finally be pain free for you?
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Re: ? recovery time after sphincterotomy

Postby neeooo » 28 May 2012, 11:35

Happy Memorial Day. God bless our troops and and everyone who ever served.
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Re: ? recovery time after sphincterotomy

Postby neeooo » 28 May 2012, 11:38

Does eating less help. Because I'll tell ya my appetite for food is gone. I'm afraid to put much in because fear of it coming out. Losing weight like crazy.
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Re: ? recovery time after sphincterotomy

Postby 44alegna44 » 29 May 2012, 16:18

Hi Neeooo,
In my case, week 4 post-op was a true turning point....that's when I could honestly say I felt really good again, and virtually pain free Image . I remember by week 5, I had gone to the grocery store by myself, and was so elated to be out by myself, pushing that carriage down the aisle, that I looked around...no one was there...and at 48 years old proceeded to skip down the aisle while pushing my shopping cart...just because I could...and I was so damn happy :D !!!!! Ok, we share so many personal things on this forum and I feel safe to share that embarassing little secret of mine Image . But, I do want everyone to know, that this hell can end, and we can be lifted from the physical and mental anguish that we've been most unfortunate to have had to bare. Image
When it came to eating for me and I know so many others around here, these dietary changes have caused major weight-loss :( . I know the fear of keeping food intake to a minimum for, as you said, fear of it coming out Image Somehow you've got to make sure you figure out how to keep the proper balance of nutrients in your diet, because the weakness from the weight-loss is not helpful for healing. I know my crs was very concerned about me, because my diet consisted of only beans, greens, and fiber english muffins Image . By the time I went into surgery, I dropped to 98lbs. and am 5'-5". My surgeon told me if I didn't get some more strength back, my recovery would be compromised Image . She got me on ensure protein shakes to start...and then I slowly began to adjust my dietary food intake as I could, to help gain some weight and strength back Image .
So Neeooo, you will continue to heal and get through this Image ....stick with the post-op program, stay positive, keep your strength up as best as possible, remain patient with your healing and remember with each passing day, the worst is behind you and you'll be back to your old-self before you know it Image .
Best wishes to you through your recovery Image
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Re: ? recovery time after sphincterotomy

Postby neeooo » 30 May 2012, 09:23

what were some signs you were healing? My BM's still burn but now I have a wicked itch going on back there.
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Re: ? recovery time after sphincterotomy

Postby 44alegna44 » 30 May 2012, 12:15

You know neeooo, I've heard from several others here about the itch, so I do think that is also something common. I never experienced that symptom and am not sure what that is from Image , although some say it's a sign of healing....no matter what, if your unsure of anything, I always recommend calling your physician and addressing the concern with him.
Also, on February 18, after my surgery, I posted a thread titled "8 days post-op, quiggles I can relate". If you look that thread up, you'll see my main complaint was the severe burning Image ....you'll see I too was extremely frustrated by it and concerned....but it did pass....and for you too, it will get better Image .
Some signs of healing for me were when I was finally able to sit again straight up on my butt Image . That took about 3 weeks to do without having to shift from cheek to cheek/side to side. Also, just walking again without my body being tense and appearing as though I had a stick up my butt because of the discomfort from surgery was another sign Image . I have three levels in my home, and throughout my fissure ordeal and immediately following surgery it was a nightmare going from floor to floor. Getting up the 15 stairs from my main level to the 2nd floor was pitiful Image . But, by week 4 I could take 2 stairs at a time easily Image Pushing a vacuum around again without hesitating due to the strain was another sign. Resuming light exercising (weights, treadmill) was totally do-able. All these within a month post-op Image .
Remember, healing and recovery for all of us is different and based on the individual. I think we're all just so over this by the time surgery comes, we expect to get home from the hospital and are just ready to wake up the next day and move on. It's just not the case, and more patience is required to see us through the healing process Image
So hang in there Neeooo and remain postive and focused on your healing....you will feel the benefits from you surgery soon enough....you're well on your way Image .
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Re: ? recovery time after sphincterotomy

Postby neeooo » 30 May 2012, 13:06

Thanks Angel. Your words of encouragement are very reassuring. I think it may take me longer since I'm diabetic. Just hope I can enjoy some of the summer lol.
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Re: ? recovery time after sphincterotomy

Postby rubius » 01 Jun 2012, 22:53

how long can one be sitting uprite on the bum 2and half week post op...?
i sat 4 hrrs and got a blood drop again after 5days of stopping it.
any suggestions how to read books coz i really need to stdy for exams.
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