Rectal bleeding continued 4 hours after a hard BM

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Rectal bleeding continued 4 hours after a hard BM

Postby sean530 » 29 Aug 2019, 10:49

Hey someone.
I had a very hard bm like 5 hours ago and like had to assist myself with the evac and there was lot of blood and when I randomly checked I a while ago I was still bleeding like 4 hours post bm. Its not like leaking just comes out when I part my bum even a little.
I'm panicking and really worried and have no one to talk to this about. Just need someone to talk to.
I have had a fissure problem that doesn't completely resolve but this is not it.
Salt Bather
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Re: Rectal bleeding continued 4 hours after a hard BM

Postby berzerker5220 » 29 Aug 2019, 21:58

You need to see a doctor ASAP

Fissures don't bleed after first bleeding because the spasm pressure stops the bleeding which is the reason fissures don't heal in the first place

You need a doctor right now
Salt Bather
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