rectiv questions

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pain question

Postby davminos » 28 Jul 2018, 07:50

It has been two weeks now without bleeding, more pain free times, but some minor pain with morning bm. From people's experiences, does this means its finally healing? Thinking it is sore at times but has not cracked to bleed. Just not sure if it is finally healing now that I've had some minor pain again.
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Bleeding question

Postby davminos » 04 Aug 2018, 22:59

Three weeks, no bleeding, was great this week no pain, then it bled today. Been taking Rectiv twice a day for a month and was doing so well and then this. After three weeks thought it was healed!! The pain wasn't too bad, but the blood leaked onto underwear and was lots of it. Didn't realize you could bleed so much. Anyone have a similar experience. Have a doctor's appointment Monday, hope the bleeding subsides.
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Re: rectiv questions

Postby patience_and_healing » 05 Aug 2018, 22:46

Perhaps you have an internal hem that's causing the bleeding. I hope the doctor has something positive for you. It's really tough to go through the rollercoaster of hope and disappointment.
8/16-12/16: Fissure due to antibiotics
5/17: Botox to sphincter, fissure healed
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Re: rectiv questions

Postby davminos » 06 Aug 2018, 12:03

Went to see the CRS today, good news is that he cannot see the fissure, which he was able to see easily last two visits. He did not want to spread the cheeks and open too deeply and risk re-opening it. Good news is that Dr cannot see the fissure, it may run deeper, but as he cannot see it then that's a good sign that it is healing, he told me to continue the Rectiv for three weeks twice a day and then one week once a day. The bad news is that I've a thrombosed hem, and we already know that I've an internal hem; he did not want to put an anoscope in and risk causing a problem with the fissure which seems to be healing, but thinks the bleeding came from the hem, which is now thrombosed. Told me to soak and it should come down, but once the fissure is fully resolved he suggested banding the hem. So, the good news is to continue the rectiv and hopefully the fissure continues to resolve and now just have a hem on top of it. Sigh....anyway.....all in all, it's forward progress. Thanks for the support, just hope things continue to resolve and this thrombosed hem doesn't cause any more problems.
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Re: rectiv questions

Postby davminos » 10 Aug 2018, 00:24

Almost week 4 of fissure healing, just have to be cautious about daily diet. The Rectiv seems to be helping. Would have been nice not to have a thrombosed hem arise this week. Hoping that shrinks in the next couple weeks!! Anyway, just thought to add an update. Don't think the Rectiv helps the hem. Dr didn't seem concerned about the hem more focused on healng the fissure. Last time had a thrombosed hem was about six years ago, but so far this one doesn't hurt too much, hope it continues. Any suggestions for the hem out there?
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Update and question

Postby davminos » 22 Aug 2018, 06:25

6 weeks of using the Rectiv, down to once a day, at bedtime, and so far so good. The thrombosed hem has shrunk and nearly gone, too. Fissure seems gone now for several weeks. No pain when having BM, but sometimes feels a just little sore, momentarily then goes away quickly. Thinking the area is just tender from the fissure. Going to continue using the Rectiv at bedtime for another week and a half. Actually, it seems to be working well and serves as a morning lubricant, so once I'm done the Rectiv was wondering if I should put a little zinc oxide (Balmex for adults) at bedtime for a few more weeks to help keep things lubricated to help prevent a re-tearing of the newly healed fissure. Dr seems to think it would be fine. Anyone have experience with this?
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