by davminos » 16 Jul 2018, 09:31
IBS could be a possibility, but I don't have any cramping or unusual amounts of gas. Perhaps the daily colace is the culprit in producing too many BM's? My primary care sent me an email suggesting taking it every other day. Of course, the dilemma is that I'm afraid to do so for fear of stools being too hard, etc., but then can't keep up so many BM's each day. I have always gone at three to four times a day, but recently it has been too much. Although, I've been working on eating less. Instead of the full 3/4 cup of bran cereal have gone to about 1/2 cup with low fat plain yogurt with one apple and less V-8 juice along with boiled egg in morning and one cup of tea. Plenty of fluids all day, try not to eat lunch, just water and maybe an orange. For supper, had boiled dandelion greens (covered with olive oil and lemon juice) with white anchovies, a small helping of black bean salad, half of pita bread and feta cheese. So far, today has been fine, only two bm's, so we'll see how rest of day goes. Two days no bleeding, but clock started again after eleven days blood and pain free. I remember reading that such set backs occur and people still heal after a while, is this true or is my memory making it up? I appreciate the responses, it has been very frustrating and fearful these past four months, thanks.