Hey there, everyone: I'm going to make this long story short.
Two years ago, I had LIS done to fix my fissure, and it was a great success. I also lost fifty pounds!
Two years later, for a variety of reasons, I've gained thirty-forty pounds, I'm severely depressed, and I'm under more stress than I have ever been (emotionally and physically).
Today after work, I pooped and it was like I opened the Gates of Hell with the fire of a thousand suns and shrapnel in my butt. There was no blood in the toilet or on the paper, but it feels exactly like it did the last time. I came home, stripped off all my clothes, and lay down on the floor next to the cat with my cheeks spread wide.
Is it possible that I really re-opened the fissure, or that my crazy stress/depression/poor diet/lack of sleep/toxic work environment/long distance relationship/weight gain/<your excuse here> caused a new fissure? (FWIW, I stopped taking laxatives two months ago at the advice of my GP.)
I feel like I really ripped myself a new one here, and of course I am going to the doc tomorrow to get this checked out... I'm prepared for surgery, but I'm also really disappointed in myself.
Any advice or words of wisdom would be awesome... hoping for the best, prepared for the worst over here.