Regretting the Botox

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Regretting the Botox

Postby funkytrunk94 » 12 Feb 2018, 08:48

Hi all
I had Botox injections done nearly 3 weeks ago after suffering with a fissure for over a year. The procedure itself was completely fine and I did not experience any unpleasant after effects in the days immediately after the procedure.
However three weeks on I feel I am back to square one, my fissure has not budged and the only difference that I’ve noticed is I feel like I am going to the toilet more times in a day - I will head there for a wee and before I know it my bowels are opening ?? Has anyone else experienced this. It’s not really incontinence but definitely more frequent and unexpected motions.
So this is really not helping :( as the more I go to the Loo (especially caught off guard when I do not have my wet wipes and bath to hand) I am just getting sorer and more irritated.

Would love to hear if anyone else has experienced anything similar? Starting to feel very down about everything now as I had a real hope that the Botox would be my ticket out of this nightmare :(

Thanks in advance, always have a massive appreciation for Everyone on this forum xx
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Re: Regretting the Botox

Postby patience_and_healing » 12 Feb 2018, 12:32

Really sorry that Botox has not helped with your healing the way you had hoped it would. Are you taking a lot of laxatives by any chance? That could cause more frequent BMs as well. And if you're going that often I would suggest applying Vaseline before you go to protect the tissues from irritation. Calmoseptine afterwards is also a good option, but can't be applied internally. Don't continue Vaseline long term though, because it will prevent tissues from staying dry and can cause fragility. (As told by my CRS)
8/16-12/16: Fissure due to antibiotics
5/17: Botox to sphincter, fissure healed
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Re: Regretting the Botox

Postby funkytrunk94 » 12 Feb 2018, 13:04

Hi patience and healing! Thanks for your reply and advice :)
I haven’t been taking laxatives which is why I’m so confused about my increased ‘activity’! My diet is pretty much the same as before the Botox, I just find that I will go to the toilet kind of unexpectedly throughout the day... it’s very annoying as it’s definitely hindering my healing process!
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Re: Regretting the Botox

Postby b-complex » 13 Feb 2018, 08:39

hmm but its nothing painful right , is it effecting your daily life , like is it hard to keep it in when you are for example in a mall at that moment ?
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Re: Regretting the Botox

Postby Mypoorbutt » 13 Feb 2018, 09:54

Did you have anaesthetic for your Botox as this can effect some people’s digestion for up to a month afterwards. I can’t see how a Botox injection would upset the intestines.
I agree with PandH that putting some barrier cream on there before BMs will help, if needed could you take a small dose of Imodium as long term loose BMs can be very painful to a fissure.
You could always ask your go what’s going on...could you have picked up a bit of a tummy bug from the hospital
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Re: Regretting the Botox

Postby Canttakethis » 15 Feb 2018, 09:25

I received Botox two weeks ago after suffering from two CAF for 14 months. I am not feeling any better at all. Still having spasms and my pain and bleeding while going to the bathroom have increased since the procedure. I think it made my fissures worse. My dr said if it was going to work it should be in full effect by two weeks so I am terrified that it did not work for me. I am so sad and frustrated. I’m not going to the bathroom more frequently though. I think Botox relaxes the spincter, if it works, so if you’re going to the bathroom more, maybe that is a positive sign that it worked-? I hope so.
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Re: Regretting the Botox

Postby funkytrunk94 » 16 Feb 2018, 13:18

Hello all, thanks for your responses.
I’m pleased to report that the last couple of days have been a lot better for me, my unexpected BMs have not occurred in the last 2 days, and the when I have gone to the loo, I’ve had very minimal pain. So without getting too ahead of myself I’m definitely feeling a lot more positive about it all!

Mypoorbutt- I did have the anaesthetic so it’s possible it may have had an effect on me. I honestly think a lot of the time with me its stress that causes me to go to loo a lot. I have been really chilled over the last 2 days and haven’t had any problems, whereas I was feeling anxious and worried at the start of the week and that was when it was playing me up! So who knows :roll:

Canttakethis- sorry to hear you’ve been suffering since the Botox :( I agree with your dr that there is definitely still time for it to turn around. I will keep my fingers crossed for you - I can completely sympathise, it’s so frustrating. But hopefully we will both get there XX
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